
Why does it stay so hot hot in your house after sundown?

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i would like a intelagent answer why does it stay hot in your house even after the sun has gone down and has gone down for several hours its 20 degrees cooler outside than inside my house




  1. If there are a lot of open windows in a house, then plenty of incoming solar radiation will make its way into that house. Objects that absorb short-wave radiation will emit that energy as heat, which is long-wave radiation. Houses are designed to be great thermal insulators, which means it can store a lot of heat. If you want to cool it down, then feel free to turn on the air conditioner.

  2. Ya, stated perfectly....insulated house. Basically the same as turning on an oven and letting in cool by itself...takes time.

  3. It means your house is well insulated. It also means you probably leave your windows open during the day, which is the WRONG thing to do. On hot days, shut all windows and seal off the house, even if you are not running the A/C. Open the windows after sunset.

  4. My house is the same way. I don't know how old your house is but mine is at least 50 years old, so I'm pretty sure it is because there is little or no insulation in the walls.

  5. Because your house was designed to be well-insulated against the outdoors. Even after the sun goes down there's still plenty of heat throughout your house (plus a ton in the attic), and since your walls and windows are insulated, it's going to keep most of that heat in. You could just open your windows to get the heat out and to get the temperatures inside and outside to come closer at night.

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