
Why does it take 2 men to take 3 children to chuckie cheeses and only one woman to take 4 kids to the park?

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Why does it take 2 men to take 3 children to chuckie cheeses and only one woman to take 4 kids to the park?




  1. Because women are smarter.

  2. Because men like to strut there stuff! LOL And so they pick someone to show how good of a father they are. Women are much more quite about their talents.

  3. Funny. Don't tar all men with the same brush... or for that matter all women.

    Its not always true, though I must admit that there are a lot of lazy guys out there.

  4. it's called the 2% have to be 2% smarter then the kids!!  :  )

  5. I guess I'm a man because I never take more than 2 of my kids anywhere by myself. It's too much chaos and I personally feel it's a lot smarter/safer to have two sets of eyes when there are more than 2 children...

    So I guess men are smarter about the situation than women. They don't have any shame in admitting they need the help. :)

  6. Because men can't handle kids as well as women can.

  7. so that the men can lose the kids and have someone as a witness for their alibi

  8. It takles 2 men to go to Chuck E Cheese because the men play as much as the kids.  

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