
Why does it take more energy to seperate GC rich DNA than AT rich DNA?

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Why does it take more energy to seperate GC rich DNA than AT rich DNA?




  1. GC base pairs exhibit 3 hydrogen bonds.

    AT base pairs exhibit 2 hydrogen bonds.

    It takes a greater amount of energy to separate 3 bonds than it does to separate 2 bonds.

  2. GC is held by three hydrogen bonds and AT is held by two hydrogen bonds. One hydrogen bond is one-length of the covalent bond. To break a GC pair would require more energy than an AT pair.

  3. Because there are 3 hydrogen bonds holding G and C base pairs together and only 2 hydrogen bonds holding A and T base pairs together. So more energy is needed  as more hydrogen bonds have to broken.

  4. in GC pair u see,there r 3 hydrogen bonds bt in AT there r 2 hydrogen bonds...

  5. GC pairs have 3 hydrogen bonds.  AT pairs have 2.

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