
Why does it take so long to be hired?

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I've been on countless interviews in AZ and still no job. I think I did very well during my interviews and I've also has several second interviews. However, I still do not have a full-time job...even after looking since end of July. I have a part-time, but that is only supplying me with gas money for full time gigs.

There is usually a week or two break in between first and second interview. Then an even longer one. I don't understand this. Even for jobs at Red Lobster, I have to talk to so many people and wait so long for a job.

Can someone shed some light on my situation?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Just be patient.. dont get desperate.  You'll get your job

  2. as the economy has slowed and unemployment goes up there are more applicants for every job. employers can be extremely selective because there are just so many quality applicants. there is also the shrinking job market, many employers in food service, retail and customer service that normally hire a lot of part-time, short-term and/or flexible scheduled employees simply have not and are not hiring. there are currently over 6 million Americans on the unemployment roles and another 3 million teens and tweens that are not employed this year that normally are. that 3 million does not even show up in the unemployment figures. so it is not just you, the key is to ensure you continue to apply and follow-up with prospects. broaden your horizons and brush up that resume'. don't get depressed just keep at it things will get better., good luck.

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