
Why does it turn you one when...?

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someone starts kissing and sucking on your neck? Why does it feel so good? It's just your neck.




  1. Because u likey :]



  2. A number of reasons, the first being the aforementioned nerves being stimulated but also the neck is an area where people are vulnerable.

    Have you ever noticed that when people are nervous they constantly touch the back of their neck? That is a subconcious inbuilt defense mechanism as the back of your neck is generally an exposed area and the back is particularly vulnerable. So in some way when you let someone get so close to your neck, then subconciously you are leaving yourself vulnerable to that person, thereby making the intimacy and possible danger (hey, it only takes one bite and it's lights out, right?) of it more exciting.

  3. umm that was distubing!

    well i would say whAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE GUY!

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