
Why does it usually make you (me) feel so much better when someone hugs you (me) or holds you for a long time?

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Does it have something to do with your aura or chakras? or what???? Or it it that while they're holding you..nothing evil can get to you? Am I the only one that it helps?

(This might not be a paranormal question....but then ..maybe it is. I guess I want a paranormal answer.)




  1. Chakra's? Ok...well our heart chakra (energy vortex) is located approx. 10cm above our diaphragm. This chakra is basically all about unconditional, universal love. When this chakra is working properly, we feel balanced (because it is the median between the slower/lower frequency chakra's - and the faster/higher frequency chakra's in the body), full of love and joy. And if we hug, our frequencies mix and because you have good feelings for the individual (that's why your hugging them), you share eachother's joy and the love intensifies and.... I wanna hug!

  2. Your body secretes a hormone called oxytocin when touching.  This hormone creates connectivity with others and makes us healthy feels good the way, its the same hormone secreted by a pregnant mother ready to deliver.

  3. Hi Denie =)

    this thing doesnt need a paranormal to answer, and i think u know that :)

    Hug, kiss, holding hands are some of many other human connection/touch.

    When someone hugs you, the feeling is warm,love, or could be the opposite, depends on what's happening that moment between the two of you.

    what you feel is the power of the unity.

    but, if u dun like each other and u hug each other, u would felt ordinary.

  4. Why do you feel such an overwhelming urge to believe in the paranormal?

    Hugs are good simply because we connect with another human being.  Having one person connect with us is better than having no-one connect with us.

    For females, a hug can be almost as good as s*x.  For males, however, this may not be the case.   :-)


  5. Because we need to be accepted and a hug is letting someone in to your personal zone. You just can't get that from a pet.  I love hugs, I hug everybody.  And my friends get upset if I forget to give them one.  It's not paranormal,  but it could be an aura thing, who knows!  

    Somebody needs to come up with an E-hug icon!

  6. I can't say it any better than "sentier beings" said it--it's the mix of energies through the heart chakra. But yeah...touch can be a very powerful thing.

  7. its need for intimate interaction in humans. each and every human needs to feel like they are wanted and needed, a hug or kiss lets the other person know they are loved and important

  8. hi Denie......♥♥♥

    some people are lucky enough to have met their twin flame.....

    not soul mate, but a twin is the most electricfying experience between the two twins...even more when they are apart....its a very spiritual experience and very unique....(see twinflames)

    For all twin selves seperated

    and to find each other...

    and unite again,

    in perfect oneness

    bringing about the ultimate harmony of the universe...

    and the memories of paths

    once walked together

    will be bought forward into sharp focus by choice

    the day will come

    when we shall walk again in varnished scenes

    stretch painted limbs

    we thought were dust

    and to feel the sunshine

    of a million years ago.....♥.

    i love those words....

    i cannt explain the feeling in any other way...†....


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