
Why does jsut useing water work better on my acne then any face wach?

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I have ancne and I can get really big bumps but when I use a face wash it makes there little red bumps I don't usually get but then I just started washing my face with water and I noticed it was better and the little bumps went away and my face looked better than it doesn when I use and face wash




  1. because your using the wrong face wash. But really its all abotu what moisturizer you use.

    Basically acne needs to be dried out. Acne meds do it, PLAIN WATER dries your skin too, and so does sun light!!!

    (Sun light is the best tho, of course in moderation)

    The face wash your using could be old/expired, too strong/not strong enoug, cheap product/c**p ingredients

  2. Because the cleanser contain ingredients that can be very irritating to the skin and you may be using to many products containing active ingredients which is the case with proactive.

    Cleanser are not on the skin long enough for active ingredients to have much effect so a mild soap free cleanser + a treatment product is often a better option.

    Price is not always a good indicator of the quality of a product.

    There are many expensive skincare lines that contain ingredients that are not beneficial to the skin and many inexpensive ones that don't.

    When buying products make sure that they are,

    - non-comedogenic, contain no occlusive mineral oil or lanolin, no  artificial colour's or fragrance, and no S.D. alcohol.

    Try using a Mild Cleanser  + A treatment product like Benzoyl Peroxide, Tea Tree Oil or Salicylic Acid and a good

    moisturizer (without any of the ingredients listed above)  with a least Spf 15 during the day.

  3. Here is another to add to what the Top Contributer said, if using only just water, you must be living in an area that uses higher concentrate of clorine to disinfect the water supply. Clorine will clean your acne and also dry your skin.

  4. i dont know but i use  windex it drys out ur skin the acne is gone and then u mostuize it just alittle  poof clear skin

  5. drinking water is very good for your skin.

    try reading theres tips to keep it even better looking

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