
Why does lawn grow from seed, yet not produce seeds?

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I can leave my grass for 3 years to grow and it still doesn't produce seed, so where do seeds for grass come from? Sorry for the stupid question, I'm glad things are anonymous :)




  1. just a guess but a lot of grass that has been planted on lawns is hybrid and has been genetically altered,,,,so maybe thats the reason.

  2. Lots of good answers here and everyone's correct.

    We mow the grass before it forms seedheads which then spread via the wind.  Some grasses have to grow a foot tall, others three feet or taller.

    But many home lawn grasses also spread by underground rhyzomes, overhead stolens.  Some, like Bermuda, are rapid growers and can spread easily over a year.  (Figure a plug of Bermuda will spread out a foot around within that time)

    Some grass seeds bought are sterile/hybrid grasses (ie non-pollen producing).  Perhaps you bought a sterile seed that was designed not to spread?  

    And, don't forget to "feed" your grass a nigh-nitrogen fertilizer every spring to boost its growth.

  3. No questions are stupid. If you don’t ask – you don’t find out what you need to know.

    Your lawn does produce grass seeds.

    When you cut the lawn the grass begins to grow lower in an effort to produce itself (go to seed) and although you may not see the seed heads, they are there. There are just not as many as there would be if you let the grass grow to its natural height.

    Aside from the seeds it is dropping, the grass is also sending out runners.

  4. it's because we mow the grass before it seeds.  How do you think it lives for as long as it does?  If you don't mow the grass for like 4-6 months, the seed stems will grow.

  5. a good seed only produces good fruit not like osama hussein

  6. Because they dont feel like it?

  7. You probably just don't see the seed it produces, or if it's cut short it most likely won't grow one.

  8. grass "goes to seed" when it grows a stalk. The seeds are on the tip. Because you probably keep your lawn trimmed down you won't notice the seeds because it doesn't have time to grow the stalk.

  9. There are grass seeds, maybe yours isnt germinating. Or your cutting it too often

  10. You don't let it grow tall enough.  The seeds appear at the end of stalks, just like wheat.

    Your cutting the grass before it has time to bear seeds.

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