
Why does lingo provide customer support in India where they hardly know english?

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Why does lingo provide customer support in India where they hardly know english?




  1. I share your frustration, but I also agree with Erik that the only difficulty with the English of the representatives in India (or the Philippines) is their accent.  And I have to admit that they always remain calm and courteous in the face of my frustration!   (But it still IS frustrating!)

  2. For the same reason every other major corporation is doing it:  it's cheaper.

    It sucks.

  3. Your problem is not with India. English is one of the national languages of India, and most of the employees of the call centers are college graduates. Some have an Indian-English accent, sure. But once you look past that, you will notice that their English is better than many US college graduates. Saying "where they hardly know English" is rather disingenuous.

    You're problem is with Lingo, who wants to offer a cheap product by cost cutting customer service. For many similar companies even India is getting too expensive, and they're moving to the Philippines.  

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