
Why does loser CNN reporter Lou Dobbs hate Obama so much? Is it racism or envy?

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I call him a loser because his show is more of a comedy than a serious news program. It's always the same: Put down and criticize Mexicans and Mexico, then China and the Chinese, then the US government, AND NOW, OBAMA. He tries to compete with REAL AND UNBIASED anchors/newsmen like Blitzer and Cooper, but HE IS NOTHING next to those two. By God, he can't even speak well, he stutters and gets tongue-tied more than half of every sentence he utters. His show is only empty whining/complaining. Zero news (he repeats what Blitzer already reported), zero solutions for his endless whinning, not to mention his pathetic 100% manipulated one-sided "polls" and "comments", which NEVER offer an opposing point of view, because he won't allow it.

So I wonder, why does this racist whiner/complainer hate Obama so much? Only because he's black, or because of envy (Obama, next to Dobbs, is young, attractive, well-dressed, successful and charismatic, in contrast to Dobbs, who has none of such attributes).




  1. I don't know much about Lou Dobbs, but I DO know that from what you have said about him in your Question, that you are somewhat Liberal yourself.

    Ya, maybe he Sucks. But it's CNN: CNN can Suck sometimes.

    Why do you Back-Up Obama so much?!? Do you not Hear of all the Speaches he's made, that sound like he's had a Memory-Relapse?? And he even want's everyone to learn Spanish, so illegal Imigrants don't have to Learn English!! What the F*ck?!?

    Now, he's pretending to BE President!! Are you not Understanding what he's doing?!?

  2. Well, aside from his crusade against big corporations outsourcing jobs and illegal aliens, Lou Dobbs is actually quite conservative in his political views.

  3. Lou Dobbs is trash! I mean i'm not crazy about Obama(I don't hate him or anything) but Lou Dobbs is just annoying! I'm a journalism major and I despite people like him. He has such an ego and he's not even that talented. If he put more energy into bring ethics and intelligence into journalism the way it used to be, he'd be better off. He's not good enough to act that untouchable and he sucks! I hope he loses the governor seat if he runs

  4. Holy cow, brother! You nailed that one and answered your own question really well.

    The only two words that Lou Dobbs cares about, as well as CNN, are: AD REVENUES.

    Everyone else can go to h**l.

  5. He doesn't hate Obama. But like so many people of a "certain time period" (in HIS case- the 1980's), He's afraid of anyONE & anyTHING- that  could bring CHANGE upon the land... Forgive Him...-He'll be OK once Obama becomes President & He realises there's NOTHING to be afraid of...-Either THAT, or He'll end up moving over to FOX News...  :)

  6. I think Hannity Colmes has  him (Dobbs)beat


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