
Why does love so much??

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Why does love so much??




  1. if u mean why does love hurts so much, is b/c u love the person and perhaps that person did not return the same feelings back to you, OR they have cheated or something like that, nevertheless, the fact of it all is that u have deep feelings for one and that person do not or have not exchanged the same feelings to you in return, so of course it will hurt!

  2. why does love so much ?  what are u trying to say u dunce

  3. I'm guessing you're asking 'Why does love hurt so much'?

    I can't imagine you asking 'why does love feel so great so much' or something... Well - you could be - but sounds odd...

    Why does love hurt so much?

    Well it does, hon.

    Else it wouldn't be love.

    Corny, but since there aren't any sensible answers regarding love that anyone can give... This will have to do :)

    “Real love hurts, real love makes you totally open and vulnerable. Real love will take you far behind yourself,and therefore real love will devastate you. If love doesn't shatter you, you will not know love"

    ~ Anonymous

  4. Why is the sky?

    All good questions, but hard to answer. :D

  5. This doesnt make sense? Why does who love so much?  

  6. Presume the missing word is 'hurt'

    Shows how you're hurting.

  7. Can you write this question in proper English again so that we can understand it  

  8. So much what?

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