
Why does majority precieve what is sane, when history tell us that we have never been sane.?

by  |  earlier

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Why can't people just accept that, being a product of the earth and driven by nature that life is insane and they are are too.

We are are species designed and driven by nature with no goal or perpose other than to strive to overcome and succeed at the demise of the next man. We have no freedome of choice what so ever and if we don't tow the line we suffer or die.




  1. Speak for yourself you lunatic!

  2. define sane

    define insane

    where does history tell us that we have never been sane?

    examples please

    "We have no freedome of choice what so ever and if we don't tow the line we suffer or die."

    choice in what?

    sounds like a mighty fine line you're throwing out there... perhaps they should have engraved that above 'arbeit macht frei'

  3. Sometimes, what we search is to be found within what we search with, sometimes, questions contain their own answers, and sometimes answers always remain questions. It is not coincidental then that the very concept of sanity, and therefore, insanity suggests that we have ability and more than our ability capacity to opt out of the way of the general nature to do things. We never see any animals gone insane and still carrying on living, or declaring some ultra natural ways valid in the name of modernity or progress. Animals are the way the have naturally evolved to be over the span of millions of years. We always see them with the same characteristics. They never modify their state. They never think because they by the dictates of their nature need not to think. They never learn and change because they do not need to. I think animals have reached the peak of their evolutionary potential and now they are where no further development would do them any good.

    There however is something that we need to learn, and can learn from our observation of animals. As we can see that are animals are living creature, but quite unlike ourselves. That they are so content that they even do not need to realise what contentment is. Animals have been around for thousands of million of years, which shows that any living things could never evolves beyond certain physical limits of their mind.

    Human beings have come farther, but the very distance that we have between animals and ourselves is something that could derive us crazy, as crazy we already are about progress, about knowledge and discovery. We would not stop anywhere short of the point of the conquest of the universe and then beyond. But the question is it possible physically, can we seek the ultimate of our satisfaction in terms of our physical knowledge and understanding of a world made out matter and ruled by the laws of matter..

    May be we need to attend to our spiritual needs instead in order to progress and still stay insane. The physical world that is like a cage to us with all its limitations, and we would certainly go mad once we realise that we could fly no further.


  5. try this on then . . . .

    If no one believes a thing exists, it doesn't.

  6. Man has to be sane to take the time to learn how to till the grown, plant seeds, take care of the earth, and grow food to feed livestock, pets, and themselves as well as plants.  Man is sane enough to create alphabets and recording thoughts on paper to transfer ideas of man from one generation to the next.  In ancient days they used oral history to transfer stories.  Man has to be sane to create philosophical, political, and spiritual, and scientific knowledge and pass it on.  Man has to be sane to create schools and churches and shopping centers and homes and to live and work and interact with their fellow man.  Man has been sane to use animals as transportation and in the work force.  Man has since learned secrets of the earth and learned how to build skyscrapers and submarines and ocean liners and cell phones and airplanes and rockets and television.  

    These are not the product of an insane creature that has been busy on this earth for thousands of years to improve itself one generation after generation.  

    This is man's history, the way I see it  And it is not insane at all.  Instead it is man striving to be better than he was before and always looking for ways for improvement.  So that the generation following the present one can live a better life than the former.  This kind of thinking is not one of sanity.  But of purpose and mission and life.  This is freedom of choice to live and not to die.

  7. i do agree most of us are insane but then again what is sane!  What is mostly socially accepted..

    We have goals and it's what ever that one human wants to do!  we do have freedome but we also have consiquences to ahear to!

    not everyone demise of the next man there are some people who just want to do good!

    But telling me I don't have a choice!  is your choice to say!  I have lots of choices that don't involve anyone! Like for example my choice to be happy!  if i get my mirror hit off my car i can cry about fix it or ignore it! (i get to pick) that is a choice!

    i can look at it and be happy that was also my choice!  looking on a more uplifting side by saying at least no one was hurt and run with it!  That is MY choice!

    i have a choice on where i live, what i think, what i do, if i want to kill or not!  all my choice but if i pick to kill i can go to jail!  so it's' how you weigh your choices and the consquences that  go hand in hand with the choices i make!

    btw we are here to keep humans on earth so i'm also a firm beleiver that breeding is Humans point to life!!!

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