
Why does many people questions and makes fun of Al Gore?

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as i observed, his name is always been used in some jokes. aside from it, many people also questions him. why many people do that to him? he is just trying to spread things about environmental issues that must be given concern to. he is just doing his own business. but still, many people questions him. any opinions?




  1. I think he is a great man and one of the few who is speaking out. I wish the world had more of them. Al Gore is at least trying to do some thing for this world before it is too late.........

  2. he is just an easy target. because the public has identified him with global warming insted of attacking the scientists skeptics often just attack al gore. its a logical falicy called an Ad hominem argument and it is common in politics.

  3. The same reason you libs question and make fun of George Bush.

    Must be because he is right and people do not like the facts, and he is great, or they are jealous, and he is an easy target.

  4. I think that this man is a fool.  Remember when he was grilling Oliver North on Iran-Contra(1988?) ?  Al asked Ollie why he took a home security system from someone.  Ollie stated that the most dangerous man on earth had threatened him and his family, and in his opinion the USA should send out a hit team and kill him.  Al responded by saying that the USA doesn't go out and kill just kill persons.  Who was this man ?  USAMA BIN LADEN.

  5. You may not realize this but he is not a scientist.  He is a politician.  He was convinced he invented the internet and he thought the movie Love Story was written about him.  I sincerely hope that he is under the care of a psychologist because he clearly needs one.  It doesn't surprise me too much that he champions a paranoid's cause and pushes a liberal agenda pretending to be an expert on a topic he knows very little about.  What is amazing, is that there a large pool of gullible leftists who swallow everything this nutbutger says and pretends that because he means well that we should take him and his ideas seriously.  The only thing I take seriously is the spread of the cancer of socialism which is what global warming is all about.

  6. ........Soooo.....Thou wanst tarrr been about

    the 'Time o' th' 60's, eh ,matey ?

    We ALL 'inhaled' harr , true it be! Some mor'n others....

    Parr 'ol Al......'twas thar 'shrooms tha' be done fry his'n


         Aye, he be one tarrr 'see' things we wont'n .

    Be it fair tarr me to say 'ol Bushy none th' bettarrr,Arrrrr!

  7. because he's popular and a lot are jealous of him ..

    and he has a very easy name -- easy  to use i mean . :P

  8. because he invented the internet!

  9. Because he is a joke.  He is doing it for profit to heat and cool his house,  he has one of the largest utility bills in the state of Tenn.  Plus most of his "science " in his movie has been called a joke.

  10. Because he is a hypocrite.  He goes out and lectures us on how we should make changes in our lifestyles, but he does not. He justifies his lifestyle by buying carbon credits from his own company.  Not only is he a hypocrite, but the people who follow him portray him as a hero, and not the hypocrite that he is.

    For more info:

  11. Its his bank account and his pocket change, enough said.

  12. Because he's a charlatan, fully deserving of the scorn he gets from those who think he's dangerous. He promotes the bogus religion of man-made global warming and then magically invents the equally bogus solution of carbon credits to cure the problem. Guess who is in the business of selling this modern-day snake oil?

  13. because he is right, and people do not like the facts that he is telling, since these facts mean that we will have to give up the culture of abundant and cheap energy, and that would hurt, so instead of trying to comprehend his massage, they make fun of him.

    in the bible, most prophets were ridiculed.

  14. Because when you don't believe in man-made global warming, you have to avoid discussions about the science because almost everyone disagrees with you. So you talk about Al Gore instead.

  15. Sorry, the Oliver North/Al Gore/Usama Bin Laden thing has been refuted on Snopes. I watched the hearings and Al Gore was NOT one of the questioning senators.

  16. A lot of people insult popular people all the time to make a quick joke that justs gets bigger like how George bush is related to being called a monkey, people just like insulting high figures

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