
Why does many societies promote men shouldn't cry and man up and be tough? I think men cry sometimes, why not?

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i wonder like i've often thought women had it harder than men because of sexism- raising kids- pms- stress- trying to hold their beautiful looks in a society such as this- because older women aren't seen as glamour girls unless they have genes that make it where their hair and skin doesnt change to grey or wrinkles-

but for guys- its like be a man- don't cry- be tough- i have learned in one of my sociology classes- most men don't live as long as women because women are able to express themselves more- and cry and discuss their emotions- but lately i've heard of more women getting heart attacks more than ever- so i wonder- why not just let men cry?




  1. I'm 17 and a guy. I think it all goes back to the caveman years where men had to be strong and stuff. Crying is a sign of weakness according to society. Everyman needs to be tough and provide for families. Some see crying as a way to dwell on things. Well trust me if I nver cried I would have just killed myself because ti would be too much for me. I've never seen my dad cry and he has a lot of problems. I don't cry too often but I do when I'm upset. I don't care what people think anymore. I cry because it makes me feel better. The important thing is that we know how to move on. Crying is a good release if things are just too stressful. It's a shame because unless more men stop acting like idiots and hurt themselves this way, society will never learn. Oh well I've never been one to give in to our society's ways anyways. I like me and I like being different.  

  2. I don't know about the longevity thing.

    I have cried 4 times in my life. The first was at my gran dad's funeral. We were close. The second was at my grade and high school sweethearts funeral. This was the day before our wedding was to take place. The third was ar my mothers funeral and the last at my best friends funeral. I guess you could call me a tough old bird because most things don't get to me. I am nearing seventy years old and seldom cry over anything unless they are a very closre part of me

  3. men do cry. I think its letting their emotions out verbally is what really needs to be worked on. Some men just like to keep everything bottled up inside. They need to at least keep a journal if they feel there is no one they can talk about there problems too. Even though that would be seen as g*y/feminine.  Maybe when society stops labeling things like talking about your feelings g*y men will be more willing to do so.

  4. It's not right to bottle up all those emotions. I firmly believe that is why suicides are most common in young men.

  5. men dont cry aint manly

    i mean, it doesnt matter how many women tell you its ok, at the end of the day we're more worried about being labeled sissies by other guys than we are about ladies. when we were growing up the boy who cried the most got beat up, and its those things that stick with you mentally until you grow up. men have difficulty expressing our feelings because, unlike women, our feelings dont really influence our every day lives in many aspects. men are taught to be decisive, not let our feelings get in the way of our judgement, and do whatever yeilds the best results regardless of how it may hurt emotionally. a man can love art & music, but hes taught to find a real job that makes money. we hurt when we lose someone we love, but we also have duties to our families and we gotta get up and get movin cuz life aint gonna stop for us just cuz we sad. those are the types of things that men gotta deal with and, not to be cliché, but in a mans world aint no room for feelings. cryin aint gonna make life easier for you, so you might as well get over S**t and move on.

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