
Why does marching band have to do g*y little ballet moves during shows? Why can't we just march?

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Well I know a lot of people who have watched us and they all say it is g*y. So I guess the audiences perspective is not to much different!




  1. Most of your audience is 50 yards or more away. Any "little" moves are completely invisible. If you mean sweeping your trombone through a 4 foot arc, think of it as lyrical dance, instead of ballet, if that will settle you down.

  2. "g*y little ballet moves".......


    if you can't put up with a little bit of dancing, or pointy toeness or whatever it is you have to do, then stop complaining and just quit.

    those "g*y little ballet moves" will set you apart from the rest.....and in a good way. it adds effects to the show, and brings on a different emotion to the audience.

    during most ballads ina band show, you just see them marching along, non emotional at all.

    but the dancing or whatever brings out the emotion that the ballad is trying to portray.

    maybe you're just trying too hard to be a macho guy.....?

    just suck it up sweetie.


    oh, and why is your name girlyboiguy?!

    if you're a .....girly boy......ballet moves shouldn't bother you much.

  3. g*y is not a synonym for S****y.

  4. there is a caption on judging sheets called "general effect" (GE), this judges the overall effect of all motion and music on the field. the motion should enhance the music or it is wasted motion.

    so, if your show has slow-pretty-music in the middle, then just marching would not reflect the charachter of the music very well,  whereas the ballet type moves would be appropriate & raise your GE scores,...

    i encourage you to keep an open mind and execute these moves to the best of your ability because you want to get ALL THE POINTS YOU CAN!!!

  5. It is the illusion of marching, you are not doing g*y little ballet moves, you are doing a style of marching. It helps you in competetion!

  6. The "g*y little ballet moves" might seem lame from your perspective, and I'm sure you feel lame doing them, but from the audience's perspective they look cool... but only if you go all out; don't half-*** them because you feel like a moron.  Feel like a bold moron, at least!

    Besides, how boring would it be to watch a bunch of people just marching around a field?

  7. Un-fortunately, the judges in any marching band competion seem to dictate the level of showmanship with band performances. Think about this- isn't rather diificult to play the instrument while "dancing"? Judges look for synchronius moves in relation to the piece - do the rhythms match the moves etc.........

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