
Why does marrjd saudi girls west the money only for one night ?

by  |  earlier

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well, i have seen that by my self that saudi girls do that they dont dress 4 them husbands only 4 the wedding or other ppl and love to west the money in dress cost like 2000 $ only 4 one night or more than that iwana kno how the busand feel about it ?

if my wife dont dress 4 me like thats means im like wall to her !




  1. do you know why they do that ? beacuse they think by that why they can make them husband broken and he wont marrjed another women haha !! that stupid she should make  take his hear best than west the money every where :D

    and about what you said they dont dress 4 them husband thats true 100 % only they do in bed time you know what imeant

    thats was good Q SALAm

  2. I agree with h....

    In the end, ( guy talk, ladies dont read )  trust me, all girls are the same, dont try to fight nature, just learn how to deal with it in a smart intelligent mature way.

    Of course they are different in many things but theres lots of stuff that only girls would do/say.

    Many Saudis dont interact with girls that much and think its Saudi girls... ANY girl is capable of making you say... feel like this ... $$@@*#)*@!?????!!???

    Dont ever try to use logic even... some might flame me for this but.. really.. never listen to what a woman says about what she likes and what she doesnt like..

    Just see how she acts and find out yourself... they are emotionally driven... unlike men... and til you understand that. you will find many things that confuse you about women.. and probably say its the Saudi girls.. but trust me, the other side of the fence is always ( or seems to be ) greener. Its not.

  3. Dr. love,

    This has been a local problem that SOME (not all) women they don't dress for their husband and they dress for parties and other occasions. Well, it's true but not the majority are like this?!

    Let's be logic, a women is married to a man she loves isn't she going to dress well for him?!

    Well, I can tell that this is not true that all Saudi girls are like what you said. And I can say that not all American, Egyptian, French or any nationality women will dress good for their husbands.

    The case is the same everywhere. And every society has to solve its own problems.

    Guys answered above me@ thank you for your lies.

  4. I totally agree with H

    if you want her to look pretty, buy her some makeup and a dress

    also if she is at home and cooking, cleaning, making babies.. she isnt going to look like a glamour queen while scrubbing the floor... Get serious here..

    If you actually date your wife.. like take her out every one in a while.. or have "date" night once a week, and you and yoru wife can get all dressed up and go out.. If you want to see her under that abaya.. why dont you bring in a catored meal, so she doesnt have to cook. set up the table with a nice table cloth, some candles.. and turn down the lights.. send the children to grandma's. and you can have fun all dressed up by yourselfs...

    I think you might need to "INSPIRE" your wife to dress up... I think if the women has a reason to dress up she will.. maybe you dont put her in the mood.... ever think of this?....

  5. HAHA that's OK, they don't dress up for me either, I just go to there door and there wearing regular clothes or a night gown.

  6. LMAO !!!!!

    saudi girls always dress up for others than their husbands

    they just run after the american men.. soo sad and pathetic

  7. I had to read your question a couple times to understand and hope I got it by now.

    1. To get dressed for a wedding is something special and will not be done every day. The wedding dress is especially for the wedding and no other occasion. USD 2.000 for a nice wedding dress is not much.

    2.From  a woman's view: if I stay home all day and do not go anywhere, I may stay in my PJ's all day long and this without any make up. My husband is suppose to love me the way I am and not the way I dress!

    3. Some girls/women dress up when other people are around expecting compliments which the own husband does not provide. That's the husband's fault! But these compliments are made by  women, so no worry

    4. Give your wife USD 2.000 for a dress and she will be happy to wear it for you.

    5. I do not understand what you mean  by "wall her". Provide your wife with a dress that both of you like and there won't be a problem. I guess (?).

    I am thankfull for having a husband loving me as a person no matter how I am dressed no matter how much the dress costs and where I wear it.

    You must be doing very well not having any other problems than how Saudi men think about their wives spending money. Happy you.

    Take care.

    edit: what is this all about? If you do not want to get married to a Saudi girl anyway (going by your last edit), problem solved, right?

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