
Why does mascara make my eyes itch?

by  |  earlier

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After 10 hours, my eyes start itching like crazy.

I use Great Lash mascara by maybeline.

Is there a solution to this? Should I reapply every 5 hours?




  1. Maybe you're wearing it for too long.

    Maybe it runs into your eyes.

    Maybe you're allergic.

  2. You probably have the wrong 1 some mascara's arent good

  3. It might be that some of the ingrediants in the mascara are irritating your eyes. I'm not too sure but I think you should ask some-one at the beauty counter and maybe they can recommend a different mascara for you.

  4. ur eyes may be not use to it, your allergic to it, or you may just not be able to wear it that long.....mine does that after about 12 hours.

  5. Your allergic to that masacra i would try a hypo allergenic one like Almay.

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