
Why does meat taste better from butchers than supermarket?

by Guest32985  |  earlier

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I usually buy my meat from the supermarket and I usually buy the extra special kind, but twice now I bought meat from a butchers in Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, and it's a million times more wonderful and so tender.

I was wondering why it would be so much better from a butchers than a supermarket? Do they do anything different to it?




  1. that's becuase when the butchers cut it you know that it is fresh. but the kind you buy in supermarkets could have been there forever.

  2. i find the butchers at morrisons, cheaper, larger selection and taste nicer

  3. It's because the meat is hung for longer and not injected with water to bulk it out.

    Always use a local butcher. Yes they may be slightly more expensive but you taste the difference. Mmm

  4. Oh my god - how wrong are most of these people !!  Supermarkets do not hang meat for long enough (S`brys crow about 21 days) - The butcher I use hangs his better cuts (steaks,rib roasts etc.) for at least 28 days !! and I have had some superb beef at 35 days hung.  S`markets are unwilling to

    stand out the money to hang the meat for long enough !!

    Support your local butcher !!

  5. Its cause its fresh...usually sold on the day rather then stored for days. also most have a deal with a local farm so the meat comes straight from the slaughter house where super markets will fly meat from singapore if it makes them more profit.

  6. I agree, it seems to taste better.  I think it's because the butcher cuts it and holds it for a shorter period of time than the large supermarkets.  Might be more expensive, but it's worth it.

  7. becuase then it is home made and you make it the way you want it

  8. Its not pumped full of anti-oxidants to keep it looking bright red and "fresh", water and then more stuff to keep the water in.

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