
Why does microsoft copy other features?

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for example:

the create an avatar( the wii create a mii) it like the same thing except the character are a little taller but everything else is the same.

the new dashboard( apple's dashboard) microsoft said that lot of people complain about the x blade dash board how it sucks. so change it to something new not copy others company.

and people are starting to say that if little big planet goes well for sony. microsoft is going to copy them to. is it true?

please give reason don't just said you sick or i hate you.




  1. i love you

  2. It's because the ideas you stated were successful.  A lot of things are always copied. On the avatar thing since they saw how well it went for Nintendo and how a lot of people like the avatars they decided to get the same type of style.  It also has to do with them just trying to appeal to the more casual gamers who would more likely get a Wii than an xbox, for example their also getting a keroke type of game called Lips.  The dashboard was copied from Apple again because they already know that people like it so it just makes their job a lot easier and they know it will be successful.

  3. Now and Days, Businesses will compete each other and try to steal other ideas to make them look better. It is called the Survival of the Fittest. If you read the book on the Wealth of the Nation (big book but talks all about money and businesses). For Example, Vista vs Mac. Ever since Mac release their new updated OS (operating System) Microsoft felt offended that mac was getting all the attention. So microsoft invented Vista to work as a mac but better however Microsoft killed themselves with some problems to their features. Its about money these days and never about quality.

  4. Sony copied Microsoft's XBox Live idea with their networking multiplayer thing.

    Apple copied the idea of a touchscreen phone, then created an app store. They said that they were the first to do it. Ever heard of HTC? They made a touchscreen phone first. Ever heard of a Linux Repository? They were the first app store.

    Linux... copies everything, pretty much. They reinvent everything. Some stuff is new, but for the most part, no.

    Everyone copies everything in the computer market. In any market. It is a fact of life. Why continue with something that is a terrible product? Add in the suggestions everyone is giving you and make it better. That's what MS did with the Xbox 360. That's what Apple did with the iPhone. That's what Linux did with the new KDE. In the end, it benefits you!

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