
Why does mold always grow on the bread or fruits at my girlfriend's place, but never at my place?

by  |  earlier

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Every weekend I go there, I see mold on the bread or fruits, so I throw those away, and replace them with new ones, but the very next week, it's moldy again?? I left a banana on my desk for about 2 weeks, and all it did was turn black, but there was no mold on it at all... What's going on here??




  1. Your girfriends place more likely than not supplies good mold growning conditions (eg: high humidity and moderate tempurature).

  2. If it's moldy obviously your girlfriend is not eating it, why are you buying more just so it too can go moldy?  Stop buying more food than SHE needs.

  3. Chicks are into fungus.

  4. You have mould where there are good conditions for growing mould (and mould food of course).

    There are mould spores in the air everywhere.

    You said food was present.

    The difference has to be explainable by different conditions. Think moisture and temperature.

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