
Why does my 1 1/2 year old pup cry for my boyfriend constantly?

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whenever he leaves the house she cries for ages im worried about her being unhappy we have tried to not play with her wehn he leaves etc and make it a more positive thing but it doesn't work

Ps she is a jack chi




  1. is he the one that spend the most time with her if so it anxiety it worried that he not coming back you can get stuuf to calm her down

  2. some dogs have separation anxiety. my dog would do the same thing with my ex husband. as the dog grows older it'll probably become less of an anxiety. you know, even dogs learn with age, and she will eventually get over it.

  3. It sounds like Separation Anxiety! She is just attached to your boyfriend and misses him when he leaves. Try to keep her occupied and do play with her to keep her mind busy and off of him, till he gets back. Here is some information on Separation Anxiety, that may help you more!

    I hope this helps you!

  4. Puppies/dog will instinctively bond to people who nurture and care for them and who play the role of being the alpha dog.

    Sounds like your bf has done just that

    Eventually your dog will overcome this.

    My dogs are 13yrs old and still walk to the door to see me off to work in the morning, but they no longer cry about it.

  5. hes seeing some bit ch on the side

  6. awwwwww i think your pup thinks your boyfreind is like a mummy to him thats my best bet :) if the pup crys take a picture of your boyfreind and put it next to him/she then she might be ok :)  

  7. She's probably just taken a liking to him. She'll get over it. Just try to distract her.

  8. tie ur bf up and keep him in the house (IMPORTANT - remember to feed him, this is a biggy!) your dog will never be sad again, then release him when the dog has passed on :) everyones happy - result!

  9. She's mad at you for shacking up

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