
Why does my 10yr old wet the bed?

by Guest34270  |  earlier

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My 10 year old still wets the bed every once in a while (maybe once every few months) this something for me to worry about? We used to think he would out grow it but he hasnt yet and it is worrying me. Is there something that could be wrong with him or should I just think he will still out grow it?




  1. Some children are incredibly deep sleepers, this impares a child's ability to notice the uncomfortable sensation of having to use the bathroom. Your son should outgrow it but he may not. It is a problem that many people are living with, You may want to get him some 'diapers' that are especially sized for larger people. If you take him to a doctor they will probably send him to a sleep study lab where they will make sure he does not have a sleeping problem

    good luck!

  2. Get him an alarm and teach him to set it so he can get up to pee in the night.

    I doubt anything's wrong with him other than his body's outgrown his bladder (stomach holds more than bladder = wet bed). Don't make a big deal out of it. Just teach him to change and wash his own sheets so he doesn't have to be embarrassed about asking you to do it.

    If he starts setting fires, drinking, killing small birds and bullying six year olds as well - THEN be concerned!


  3. No offence, but how strict are you on your 10yr old generally? I used to be so afraid of my Mum I'd wet the bed and she'd give me a good b*llocking for doing that too so it just made it even worse.

  4. Limit the amount of milk he drinks, especailly before bed. There is something in milk that relaxes those muscles when they sleep.

  5. bladder problems?

    maybe he has bad dreams i dont think its anything to weorry about

  6. He may be going through a growth spurt when he does it or he may need to go to the chiropractor for an adjustment.  My 8 year old will have an accident every once and  a while at night, but I take him in for an adjustment and it corrects it.

  7. i did at that age, she will grow out of it

  8. To be honest it is not a major bad thing but i really think you should seek medical advice.Its a little to old to be wetting the bed and it could be that your child has maybe some worries or problems at school.I hope this helps a little and i hope everything goes ok. x

  9. Every kid is different. My brother never really wet the bed and me and my sister had problems with wetting the bed until we were 10 years old. It could be that he needs to stop drinking anything at night and needs to go to the bathroom before bed.

    I would hold off from going to the doctor unless it really worries you.

  10. I wouldn't worry about it yet. Speaking from personal experience, I was a member of the rubber sheet brigade till age 12.

  11. there's probably something bothering him that you've not  aware of yet.  and it's possible that you just need to monitor how much he drinks before bed.  --those may be nights he happened to drink a lot of fluids, and didn't go to the bathroom before bed.  also, he may be having nightmares and may even be more embarrassed of that than the resulting bed wetting

  12. If it is once every few months I wouldn't worry about it. He's still a kid. 5% of kids his age still wet the bed regularly (at least twice a week), so I wouldn't worry too much about the occasional accident. No treatment would be advisable, as its not worth putting him on a medication with potentially severe side effects to stop something once every couple months, and no physician in his right mind would do so. It also wouldn't make sense for him to wear a diaper, because it would be more hassle than its worth.

    As stated beforehand, very rarely bedwetting can be caused by emotional disturbances. Ask him if something has been bothering him (at school, in the home, etc), and see if there is a relationship between the accidents and certain events (visit of a family member, a test in a certain subject, etc). Once again its very rare for it to be caused by something like this, but its important to ask these questions periodically whether or not he wets his bed.

    Just make sure he knows that you realize that its not his fault, and it truly isn't. No child WANTS to wet the bed, so he should never be punished for it. Don't let him see frustration or disappointment from you, because it will make him feel absolutely terrible for something he has no control over.

    Kids develop at all different ages. He will grow out of it, and there are much worse things in life! Good luck!

  13. My daughter wet the bed almost daily until she was 10 years old.  The doctor wanted to put her on a medication (I'm not sure what it was) but it contained hormones.  About 5 days after her 10th birthday - she just stopped wetting the bed and has not done it since. (she's now 13).  I would even wake her up at night to go to the bathroom.  My younger daughter did not have this problem.  If your concerned - take him to the doctor but I think it is something that he will out grow.

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