ruby is 12 1/2 months. i have been posting questions forever about how i can get her to sleep later -- she always wakes in the 5 am hour, no matter what. and i have tried everything. however, when she sleeps at her grandparents' house, she ALWAYS sleeps at least 12 hours, usually more. this weekend she slept 14 hours and 15 minutes! this is compared to 9 or 10 here. she needs more sleep; the time between wake up and first nap is always tough for her as she is still tired and very cranky as a result. so, as a last resort, we are doing a little modified CIO in the morning ( i go in, give her water, tell her it's still bedtime, and don't take her out till 6 no matter what). has anyone else had this experience? why does she sleep so much better/longer at my in-laws?