My daughter, while never the greatest sleeper, is sleeping horribly lately. She is healthy and fairly even-tempered, and I have always been very consistent with how we handle sleep. Bathtime tends to "rev" her up, so I bathe her early, and we spend about an hour doing quiet activities, including reading and listening to soft music. She cuddles with her lovey and off she falls asleep on her own, in her crib...only to wake up now two, three, or four times a night fuss crying.
She isn't in pain, that I can new teeth or anything, and she falls back to sleep in about 20 minutes. Unless I am unsure about how she feels I don't go in to her. But her sleep is so broken up, and she has been cranky because of this during the day. She also used to nap for an hour and a half, and now I'm lucky to get 1/2 an hour.....same routine (but shortened) for naptime, and she wakes up crying and won't calm down.
Bed/nap times are normal for a toddler...I just need suggestions on what to do!