
Why does my 2 year old son cry all of a sudden when I drop him off at the baby sitter? This just started!!!?

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I've been taking my son to the baby sitter for about 8 months now. He never had a problem going. I would drop him off and he would never turn back to say good bye because he was so excited to play, but now just this week these past 2 days, he doesn't want to get out of his car seat. he crys, he fights with me kicking and screaming that he doesn't want to go. That he only wants to stay with me. When I would pick him up at the end of my work day, it's as though he's mad at me for leaving him there. He says no to everything I tell him, he crys and all he wants to do is go to the room and watch cartoons. He doesn't want to eat anything at the sitters and now he doesn't want to eat when he's at home. Should I be worried that something is going on at the sitter? Am I doing something wrong? More then anything, I wish I can be a stay at home mom, but I can't right now. What do I do? I'm starting to worry!!




  1. It could just be something he's going through, but anytime your child has a change in behavior then i'd think maybe somethings going on there, maybe theres another child there thats being mean to him or something else. I'd talk to the daycare provider or even your son and ask him vvhy he doesnt vvant to go anymore. Your sons safety is the most important so i'd do something to check into it or find another place to take him and see if that vvorks for him.

  2. It could possibly be the sitters. But it is more likely the fact that your child is getting older and smarter. He is realizing that going to the baby sitters means time away from you and he doesn't like that.

    My son started crying every time I went to work from about 18 months until close to 3 years.

    He is 5 now and could care less.

    I would suggest that you show up to the sitters a little early so you have some time to help your son adjust before you leave.

  3. He most likely has been having bad experiences at the baby sitter's and you need to go to the source.Aren't you the least suspicious of the activities that go on there. Asking the babysitter will not reveal much.  I had the same problem with my son and after one of the daycare workers left her job she told me what was happening. The care takers made the kids lie on their stomachs with their shoes on their backs and if they moved and the shoes fell off they were not given snacks and had to sit in the corner. He was hypoglycemic and we did not know it until he was 6 yrs old. He was punished for wrong doings that he had no control over until we he was diagnosed and put an end to it. Those so-called snacks were just fuel to the fire.

  4. First, I would make sure he has no signs of abuse.  Look EVERYWHERE.  Second, I'm sure you've already asked the sitter if anything unusual is going on there.  Did something happen with another child, etc?  Third, it's only been 2 days, wait a few days longer before you panic.  It could be a phase.  And lastly, if this continues as it has been, I'm sorry to say, but I would look elsewhere for a sitter.  Especially if your sitter is giving you no clues.

  5. Is this a home sitter where only 1 person is responsible for several children?  Based on what you've said I'd be suspicious that he's being neglected or otherwise mistreated.  You should try to pop in during your lunch break or something to see what they're doing.

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