
Why does my 23 month old boy been waking up at 4 am?

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Why does my 23 month old boy been waking up at 4 am?




  1. He could have gas, be teething (2 year molars), he could've had a bad dream or just waken up and not been totally aware of his surroundings. Around this age my daughter started waking up again probably once every 2 weeks or so. It has pretty much petered off, but every once in awhile she still does it. Now that my daughter is older, when she wakes up, we turn on ONE episode of Mickey Mouse or Pooh that I have recorded and watch it. IF she's sick, I'll let her go to sleep with me on the couch for awhile and then put her in bed. She will cry for a bit when I put her back down, but she's fine within 10 mins or so. Good luck and just know it won't last forever!

  2. i have a 26 month old who does that some nights - it's usually because he is hungry (because he wouldn't eat all his dinner the night before) or because he is cold from kicking all the blankets off.  So i try to make sure he has eaten well and has warm pj's on.

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