
Why does my 3 year old constantly talk?

by Guest21515  |  earlier

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I love my daughter to death, but she talks all the time. Even if she knows the answer to something, she will ask it just because she wants to talk. Is this normal for a toddler? If she's not talking, she's singing or making noises. I have had many people comment on how much she talks. I don't want people to think I am a bad parent, but I am just curious as to why she talks all the time.




  1. I'm sorry but i think you should be grateful that your daughter has a voice, my angel pictured left has severe autism he is 10 now and still unable to talk ....count your blessings  

  2. When I was younger I talked ALL the time!!! I still do now! But if she is always talking or doing something with her mouth she probably just wants some attention because even if she does get lots of attention or something she probably just wants for you to do something with her or whatever. I would suggest talking her to like build-a-bear or something so she gets some attention. I always loved going to build-a-bear with my mom and making bears and stuff! It could also be because she is just now learning her words and probably just wants to show everyone how well she talks, it is going for young children to talk so they get down the basic words and then you can start teaching her bigger words. If she talks alot that means you have done your job as a parent to teach her how to talk! :-) Hope I helped!

  3. i agree my son his four he hes in speech therapy i would love it if he spoke and sang all day enjoy it  

  4. Thats perfectly normal, she is learning how to talk and using it whenever she can, don't worry about it, your not a bad parent because she talks to much..I would worry if she didn't.  Let her sing, dance, laugh and talk as much as she wants.  It'll be something you'll cherish and remember when she grows up.

  5. They are learning new things every day.  I think that this is the age that they realize that they can commute.  My son is 4 and asks "Whats this?" all the time.  Even if he knows what it is.  He sings about everything.  His toys, his favorite cartoon, my car, me, or his daddy.  He makes up songs all the time.  I think that your child is compalty normal.

  6. It's good for kids to talk lots, it's all good practice.  Some do more than others and they tend to be forward with their speach.  She probably has a very sociable personality too.  Good verbal skills and a willingness to communicate freely can be a big advantage at school.  It can be very endearing sometimes, yet seriously annoying at other times.

    I have a 10 year old son who is well known by everyone for his talking.  It is very difficult to stop him, but then he has ADHD and most of his hyperactivity presents itself in his loud talking.  I'm not suggesting for a minuit that your daughter has ADHD but I sympathise with you about the constant chatter.

    The main thing I have found from my son is to help him learn that there are some occasions where you have to shh and listen, like not interupting adults and when (if) she is being told off, and to make sure conversations are two way.  Learning these skills will help her to not annoy people or get into trouble at school.

    You can encourage these skills by explaining that she must say exuse me one time and wait untill the adult is ready to listen.  Praise her everytime she remembers.  Do not allow her to 'answer back' if you are having to tell her off.

    Keep her happy and busy and create lots of interesting things to talk about (chattiness suggests that the brain is very active too).  I bet she could become a big 'nagging' if she gets bored!

    I bet she is a scream and says some great things.  I am also sure that most people will love to hear your little girl chatting and singing and see you both interact with each other in a positive way.

    enjoy x

  7. She's just learning how to communicate without crying to get what she wants communicated to you. You can always teach her sign language; kids love it and it'll give her another way to talk to you without being so gabby.  

    It's funny how we are with our children.  We can't wait for them to walk and talk; and then once they do, we can't wait for them to shut up and sit down :)

  8. its normal for her to talk so much. shes learning new words and how to speak in proper sentences and how to ask questions the right way, its very normal. nothing to worry about. who cares what other people think of her talking so much, shes a little girl whos curious and wants to express herself with words or songs. let her.  

  9. My 3 yr old daughter does the same thing. It is constant. It is good for their language development I guess. I try to deal with it and be happy she talks so well because some kids don't.  

  10. She has a lot to say. It isn't a bad thing. Teach her new (big) words and help her grow.

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