
Why does my 4 month old german shepherd puppy cry all the time?

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I have had her now for about 2 weeks.I am a stay at home mom with 4 kids so she is never lonely.I have taken her to the vet and she is in perfect health thanks




  1. It sounds like she misses the litter. If you've only had her two weeks she has recently left the litter and it is common for a puppy to cry or whimper when they miss the rest of the litter as they are used to the warmth of the others and used to being able to cuddle up next to them. You might try to get some blankets that she can curl up in that will keep her warm.

  2. You need to give more info.  What is she doing when she cries?  What does she want - your attention?  And how do you respond?  Can't help you without more details.

    Edit - What happens if you're actually focused on training this puppy - teaching her sit, down, stay, lead training?  Does she quit her whining when she's got a job to do that focuses her attention on something?

    If not, I'd be taking her to a new vet because there's something wrong with her.  Otherwise, I'm thinking she's bored.  This is a smart breed that needs lots of exercise as well as something to keep their mind busy.  Maybe she's just not getting enough to keep stimulation.  I can't tell from your very brief question.

  3. I think I'd take her to another vet for another opinion.  There is obviously something wrong with her.  I have had 2 shepherds and neither of them ever just consistently cried.  

  4. Something is wrong, Shepherds are not criers..were his parents x-rayed for hip problems? If you touch hip area does he slink down stiffen up or anything at all if he does x-ray.  Secondly could he have a some type of belly upset? Any tender spots when you touch does he shift, or wince like pain?  Could he have a blockage of some sort that is causing pain? Has the crying gone on since you had him? You say 4 children could someone have fallen on him or pulled something and he could be hurting?

    Was he neutered ? could there be a problem like that with operation?  Please believe me something is wrong...

    Is he eating a normal amount of puppy chow? Drinking normally? Does his food have soy in it? wheat gluten or something else he could be having a reaction to?  You said the vet said he was fine..did you tell the vet he whines?  If so you need a new vet..he is not fine..

    Does he have loose stool? is it colored like green or is there fluid in it mucus anything? SOmething is wrong look and watch closely to see why he does this and take him off any food that has soy immediatly , and make sure he has not ingested a bone or some splintering thing like wood that can be tearing inside him..

    I have tried to think of many things for you to look for and watch..This is NOT normal..maybe another vet or get some tests done..And try a high quality food to omit dyes, fillers, soy, and so forth..Poor baby..Good luck!

  5. i had a dog that cried, found out later it was his tummy....hope that helps

  6. Please give more info as to when she cries (what sets her off )

    I have never known of a german shepherd to cry a lot as they are a quiet breed.

  7. Is she getting enough exercise and mental stimulation? Shepherds are working dogs, they are not couch potatoes and do well when given things to do other than just going for walks. Consult your Vet or trainer about things you can do to help her focus her energy and let her "work". Not all dog owners can allow their dogs to work, do agility etc. but, there are plenty of easy ways to construct some things in your own backyard to keep a dog who naturally wants to work busy.

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