
Why does my 4 month old kitten always seem to have his pee-pee out?

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I adopted two orphaned male kittens at 5wks and 8wks old.

My younger kitten Felix always seems to have his *thing* out especially when he's sleeping and not just when cleaning. My older kitten never does I've only seen his once.

Is this like a cat bon*r? It's kind of gross and I don't want him to start like....masturbating or something.

Is everything normal? It's real red and glossy and I'm tired of seeing it....




  1. my cat did that same thing and it started around that age as well. a lot of it is hormones but even when he's neutered it'll pop out from time to time. at least he hasn't started raping you yet. my little boy used to attack me and cling to my arm, trying to hump it. it's SOOOO GROSS!!! he's a boy; it's to be expected. try to exercise him and maybe try catnip. it calms my cat down and that's how i got him to stop. good luck!!

    and yes... cat's DO m********e!!! my little boy used to l**k it. it's horrifyingng to see

  2. the same reason human baby boys get erections, they have all this energy and excitement it just happens, let your kitty run around outside to play or if an indoor cat, have some cat toys like a tower and one of those plastic fishing rods that have a springy rope at the end and a fish at the end of the rope and suction it to the wall, they can play for hours and it can lose some energy on that.

    neutering has to do with the balls not the p***s and this will still keep happening neutered or not, it has nothing to do with mating they are too young anyway it is usually around 6 months before that starts happening.

    this will take some time once it gets older it will have more control and less energy running through them and it will only happen when there is a female in heat around.

  3. get him neutered.

  4. wtf haha, call the vet and see if everythings ok im not sure but the neighbors dog used to be like that a lot but hes older now and its never out

  5. well..that's the problem with male pets...they get horny and that happens.  

  6. That's unusual, I'd ask the vet about it next time you're in.  He's too young for sexual maturity.  Cats and dogs do have an actual real bone in their penises, sometimes the red rocket pops out just because of the position they're in.  It's really common for dogs to do that, kinda unusual for a cat though.

  7. dont ever get married.

    or have a son.

    or date men.

    like all men, he is proud of it and is showing it off.

    actully, it is probably because of hormone imbalance, due to his age.

    or he is thinking of that cute Siamese down the street.

    stop staring, pervert.

    he is masturbating when you are not in the room. dont scare him, his claws will come out and he might neuter himself.

    he could be g*y, that other cat is really turning him on.

    im sorry, but worrying about a cat masturbating just made me silly.

    edit - the cat in the video is not masturbating.

  8. I've had many male kittens, and I've never had that problem with any of them.  He needs to go the vet, because he may have a urinary tract infection.

  9. take him to the vet see if everythings o.k

  10. cats dont m********e and the cat is naked where do u expect him to put his p***s?

  11. "Is this like a cat bon*r? It's kind of gross and I don't want him to start like....masturbating or something."


    I had a good laugh out of that!

    Sounds like your cat is a horny ***** to me.

  12. lol i never noticed that...

  13. Get that cat nudered.

  14. Well if he is not neutered that could be the reason , be sure to get him neutered soon. both of them or they will fight when they are mature.male cats will fight for dominance, so take the reason for the fight away from them > If they are not neutered soon they will start marking all of your furniture, and that smell will never come out. Very gross smell. They will spray mark every thing in sight including you.

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