
Why does my 4 year old ask the same question over and over?

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Every time i tell her an answer she constantly still ask for example am i going to go to my moms i say yes in an hour and she will say are we going to go to my moms? over and over




  1. cause she's 4 lol that's what 4 year olds do they love to bug you plus they really don't have the attention span to remember that long for instance you say she ask "am i going to my mom's? an hour later she asks again children that age don't grasp time and when she asked the 1st time if she was going to her mom's she expected it to be then not an hour or more later just be patient with her and her her understand for example if say its a 1/2 before she does some thing say it will be one blue's clues episode and let her watch that and the she'll start getting it

  2. my little boy does the same he is very nearly 4... for most parents at this age the question their kids ask is always... why?? why mummy? why? why? why?....

    Its quite normal so dont worry,she probably doesnt understand what you're saying.. my little boy has absolutely no concept of time, maybe say like if she is watching the tv, dont say in an hour, say after this program finishes... or after lunch or after we come back from the play park etc... sometimes with my son i will show him the clock and say when this hand is touching the number 4 thats when we will do this etc...  

  3. They adore repetition.  How many times can you read "Good night Moon"?  I thought I'd scream!!

  4. cuz she is 4!

  5. this follows the "why" phase. All kids go through these phases.

    At this age they are extremely curious and I have found that if you give them something else to ponder then they dont' ask the same questions over and over (but they do still ask a lot of them anyway).

    or if you will turn it around and answer a question with a question.

    As for the "time" questions this is a good way to introduce telling time to them. My child gets fixated on the clock.

  6. Ohh my gosh my 5 year old does the same thing. I think that it just makes them happy to hear something over and over again. For instance he will ask me "Mommy are you proud that me did that." I will say yes I am very proud of you. He will say why are you proud of me and then I will tell him why I am proud of him again. I will tell him something like we are going to the store here in a little bit and he will ask over and over again like your daughter does. I know that it drives us crazy but I guess thats just kids.

  7. A four year old does not understand one hour.

    show the clock and say when the little hand is on the ---and the big hand is on the ---i it will be time to go.

    If you have a digital clock write the numbers down and say when the clock looks like this we will go.

  8. She may need attention. She may have trouble comprehending. She made need reassuring or she may just be saying what is in her head.

  9. curiosity killed da cat

    satisfaction brought her back

    tell her what she wants, smile while saying it

    "mom, where r we going?"

    "to the store"

    "...whre r we going?"

    when maybe u shud try

    "mom, where r we going?"

    "to the store hon, hush now, we are almost there *look at her, smile*"



  10. she's 4 its quite normal for a 4 year old to do that im 4 and i do it all the time.

  11. A four year old brain processes information differently than an adult brain.  This is how they learn.  I have a four year old daughter.  This is very normal behavior that can be very annoying at times.  Also, my mother just finished a child psychology class.

  12. You just have to see it from her level. In that situation, just get at her eye level and tell her that you want to see her mom too but it takes time before you can get her there. Understand her and promise her and just make sure she KNOWS the answer rather than giving her a quick yes. That should satisfy her if not for the rest of the time, than maybe longer than before.  

  13. trouble comprehending

  14. maybe she's bored and just wants to talk to you.  

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