
Why does my 5-1/2 month old baby have so much gas? Is this normal?

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My baby is breast fed and has two solid meals per day, one in the morning, usually a fruit with a little oatmeal mixed in (rice cereal seemed to stop him up), and his evening meal is a veggie and I sometimes throw in a little brown rice.

Well, he farts like a man!! Loud and very often. Is this normal?




  1. My son went through that. It was absolutely disgusting! And nobody believed me when I said it was my son. They thought it was either me, or another adult in the room b/c they said there was no way a child so little could push something that potent out!!! lol

    That lasted for... I'd say about two months or so. I think it's because he was starting to get solid foods, and his body was just getting adjusted to everything. So long as he doesn't seem to be in discomfort or pain, I wouldn't worry about it. It shall pass. =) But if it seems like he is having discomfort, or not having bowel movements, or seems like he's constipated, then I would talk to his pediatrician. I think they also have some over the counter drops to help relieve gas as well. I never used them, but I've heard good things about them. =)  

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