
Why does my 6yo son do this?

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He has in the last 2 months started repeating himself after finishing a sentence. He'll say the sentence and when he's finished will repeat the whole sentence back to himself(not audibly). I thought maybe he was just rethinking what he was saying, but he'll do it while playing or asking a question and waiting for a response.

Has anyone heard or seen this happen before? He does it after everything he says. He's otherwise healthy, doesn't catch on to sight words quickly and often forgets after a few minutes.




  1. I would call your doctor, and get their opinion.  

  2. My six year old son does the same thing, and it drives me crazy!  But, I actually heard the other day ( I think it was on TV but I can't quote anyone) that they repeat themselves because they are trying to make sure what they said "sounds right".  Like they are unsure of themselves.  I was actually a little sad to think that my little guy doesn't have confidence in himself!  I am sure we are not the only ones, and I am sure they will grow out of it.

  3. I would be talking to a paediatrician about this. It may be a phase or it may be the beginning of something. I am the type of person to deal with things early rather than later. My son developed Tourettes at 6 and I made sure we followed up on it. With help from a psychologist that deals in hypnotherapy he now has complete control over his tourettes. He can do self hypnosis to control it and you wouldn't actually realise he has it. Deal with things early, the longer you leave it the longer you caould have been getting treatment if it is something

  4. Wow, my son also did this last year when he was six, although he'd only whisper the last 3 or 4 words of his sentences.

    I never worried about it and now, at 7 years old, he's stopped doing it. But he has now started to say "huh?" in repsonse to everything I say to him!

    Just things that kids do, I think and not worth worrying about unless the kid doesn't grow out of it.

  5. its just another stage he will soon get over

  6. i do that too and im 12 were just going over in our head saying it in the tone trying it out lol its normal

  7. i think its little brother is 12 and he does the same thing but he doesnt realize it!! i tell him and he says he doesnt.his friends do the same thing sometimes also.

  8. He should be checked for high functioning autism or something like that. The repetition you are describing sounds like a weird form of echolalia and he should see a doctor.

  9. Don't worry, I did the same thing when I was about six, but I officially stopped by the time I turned nine. I'm perfectly fine, actually in the Gifted and Talented program at my school, not to brag.

  10. he's normal. it's just a habit and it'll wear off. my friends bro did it until he was almost 9.

  11. My daughter did this.  It is normal!!  She has ADHD and this is her way of remembering what she said and understanding it.  You're lucky he does this!  He will eventually stop, once he realizes other people notice and do it mentally.  Heck. I have to do it sometimes!  He will be fine!

  12. My son used to do the same thing but after a while he stopped.  He is only 6 and will go through many different strange seeming stages.

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