
Why does my 8 week old kitten have such bad wind?

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We've only had her for a week, and i have noticed that over the last few days, she has absolutely stinking wind!! I feed her on Felix kitten pouches, which a friend of mine used for her kitten and didn't have this problem. Is it normal for cats to whiff this much??




  1. My kitten had this for about a week or so but then it went away for some reason.  We didn't change her diet or anything so I thought maybe it was just a phase.  

  2. Kittens can be a bit farty.  It's probably because she is so young and she will probably grow out of it.  If she gets an upset stomach then try a lighter kitten food from a pet shop or vets surgery such as Hills Science Diet kitten food - which is very easily digestible and suitable for young kittens and weaning.

  3. Any kind of dietary change can cause digestive problems. This includes gas. If you can, find out what food the kitten was eating before you got it and switch back to that. Smaller amounts of the wet food will help too.

  4. As long as you keep the kitten on the food it was already being given, it will go away, also the nerves set in on change of enviroment.

    Its a big world moving around when your only 8 weeks old.

  5. no its not normal change her food

  6. Both my cats used to have really really bad wind, especially our youngest one. However they both seemed to grow out of it. I presumed that it is normal due to both of them doing it. We only get the occassional smell now. lol.

  7. If its not the food they were used to at their original home it might just be that she is adjusting to the felix.  I have 2 11 week old kittens and had to stop them on the whiskas kitten pouches as they had the poops for a week straight!  They had wind too of course but in the end I gave up and have kept them on the dry food which seems to suit them better.  Its probably just she is getting used to the change in diet and will be fine, give it a couple of weeks and if she's no better stop the meat for a while and see if it helps, it might still be a  bit rich for her little tum!

  8. Just had this problem with my 3 month old, found out it was the food ,so we switched her to a higher protein food..problem solved here.

  9. You should put the kitten on dry Purina Kitten Chow until it is at least 10 to 12 months old. Wet or soft food is too rich for a kitten. The dry food also helps develop their teeth and bones.

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