
Why does my 9 year old child lie all the time about everything?

by  |  earlier

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We catch him out all the time, and he makes things up constantly




  1. As has already been said it's probably his imagination working overtime, tho this ususlly occurs in children a little younger. If you don't think it is to cover up something important or to cover feelings of inadequacy, don't worry. My son convinced his teachers and friends parents that he had been to America. When I asked him why he had said that, he replied 'because I have been to America mummy, remember'. I've got a bad memory but not that bad!

  2. I remember when i was young i went through a fase about for 3 year's were i would lie all the time ! I think it was cause i lied to my friends about everything that i started lieing to my mum and dad . My mum got sick of it ! and decided to tell me a story which was untrue to make me stop lieing ! she said to me that lieing was really bad and once this boy told lies all the time ! And one time his friend was in trouble and was stuck down a hole and he had to get help ! but as he lied sooo much no one believed him ! I emediatly stoped lying as i thought if something may happen no one will believe me ! try it :-) it mite work x

  3. He will get bored of lying all the time if you just ignore him. The More you tell him not to do something..the more he will. Its to attract attention and he will soon learn.

  4. I agree w/ Ashley.  Possible outlet for that active imagination... buy him a diary / journal type book and encourage him to write about whatever he wants.  I make my living as a writer and that's how I got started - and at about your son's age.

  5. I have a 9 year old who is just the same. I catch him out and when I do we discuss why he lied and what could of happened if we didn't find out. I think it's normal and it's all about testing the boundary's and finding out what they can get away with.

    Keep the communication going, try not to get angry  (all the time lol) so that he can no that he's not getting anywhere, but at the same time he knows that he can talk to you about it. I think this is so important at this time as there nearly teenagers and we don't wont to loose there trust before then.

    Good Luck xx

  6. I read an article about this recently.  There are two types of childhood lying.

    The first is where they exaggerate their lives and situation, usually because they want to impress others in playground oneupmanship, or because they are trying to escape from something in their lives (even if it's merely boredom!)

    The second is where they hide the truth to avoid getting into trouble.

    I would talk about lying and reward the truth.  I know this is hard to do if the truth is: "yes I did break your favourite mug", but there's a more important lesson to be learnt here.


  8. SOME PEOPLE LEARN TO LIE AT A VERY EARLY AGE AND LIE THEIR WHOLE LIVES.EXPLAIN THAT LIARS ARE NOT TRUSTED IF HE CONTINUES LYING ABOUT THINGS NO ONE WILL TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY.ALSO IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOD AND WANT YOUR CHILD TO LET HIM KNOW LYING IS A SIN!!! it is the worst thing having a kid lie all the time cause you never know what to think about what they daughter Becky is a habitual liar but we can tell when she lies cause she cant look you in the eyes and she grins like a Cheshire cat!!!my husband is also a gifted liar and as i wanted to trust him i believed him for years till i caught him red handed and he couldn't lie any more!!!!like a dumb child he blamed his lies on fantasy and make believe but the damage is done and i will never have that degree of trust in him again!!!don't chalk it up to imagination,tell him to save his stories or lies for writing not for real life.i am not sure what is worse a thief or a liar---good luck with will find most people who lie even kids also steal be very aware!!!

  9. He is probably just testing his limits. Make sure you discupline him everytime you catch him lying so he knows that it is not ok. If you let him get away with lying he will never stop.

  10. to do another great escape to get him on your side

  11. it's just a fertile imagination...<^><..

  12. that's what kids do its part of growing up ,they have vivid imaginations

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