
Why does my AC not work?

by  |  earlier

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My family arrived at home last night to find the house was very warm. We just replaced the thermostat and inside unit. I went and checked the outside unit (while the inside unit was on); the outside unit was "buzzing" and was very hot but the fan was not running. Is this normal or is the AC not cooling because the outside fan may be out?

We replaced the outside unit 5 years ago...

Oh and I live in Texas :o)





  1. Could be outside fan is not operating. When this happens the compressor will overheat and shut down. It has an internal overload protection. Could be fan, or capacitor, or relay, or circuit board (on some models), etc. After ac has been shut off for some time and allowed to cool, you could turn it back on for a sew seconds or a minute to see if the compressor does start. Then turn it back off. The buzzing you hear is probably the contactor for the compressor. Not unusual. Doesn't necessarily mean it is bad.

  2. The fan is an essential part of the system it needs to be examined to see has it a fault or is there a breakdown in the power supply to the fan ~~

  3. You have two power sources for your cooling system. One is fot the inside unit which controls the thermostat as well. The other is for the outside unit which has a 220v power feed directly from your circuit breaker panel. Check at the panel first to see if you tripped a breaker. Then check the outside box on the wall. This may be fused, a breaker, or only a disconnect without any fuses or breakers.If fuses, change both with new dual element fuses. Good luck.

  4. in this heat the start capacitor goes out also have your condenser cleaned

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