
Why does my Buick lose power?

by Guest67032  |  earlier

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I have an old 1983 Buick Regal. I have noticed that every time I drive it in the rain, it feels like it is losing power. It only happens when it is raining. Any other time my Buick runs fine. I bought the car back in March, had a new motor put in, and slowly, but surely am trying to replace, and restore the vehicle. Is there possibly something that is uncovered, and letting the water get in?




  1. Ive seen lots of times when cars lose power on damp or rainy days.Most of the time its caused by a bad spark plug wire grounding out due to the moisture in the engine compartment.Once this wire or wires ground out it causes the engine to lose power and run rough at idle.You can check this at night by using a spray bottle of water while the engine is running spray the wires and look for arcing coming from one or more wires.If you fine a bad wire you should replace the set.Best of luck.

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