
Why does my Dad Treat my MOM this way???

by  |  earlier

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They have been married for 21 years now and he has been cheating the for about a good 16 or 17 years she knows about his messing around and even caught him in ACTION with on of them, they are still together but I don't know WHY?? This morning i opened there room door and saw his having s*x with her? He his abuse and she takes it like a WOMAN BUT THAT IS WRONG ALL WRONG??




  1. I'm terribly sorry you have to go through this. I would suggest talking to a trusted adult (i.e. a teacher, school counselor, religious leader, or neighbor) about what's going on with your parents and how you feel about your dad's infidelities, and ask that adult for advice on how to deal with this mess.  

  2. Some home truths:

    Your parent's lives are for them to work out. Keep your nose out.  

    You should not go into you parent's room without knocking and waiting to be asked to come in.  I would expect your father to act the same way before entering your room.  

  3. He wants to have "it all". She might stay with him for financial reasons. She might think that she has no other place to go, but regardless of the reasons that she is staying they are wrong. I think.

    She is letting herself be used and putting herself at risk for STD'S

  4. Your dad may treat your mom bad because she may have hurt him in the past and he has'nt forgotten or forgave her , so this is his way of making her pay for what she has done. Then again he could be going through mid-life crisis and needs to feel young again. It really does'nt matter you mom need to standup and tell him either it gonna stop or she leaving cause she allow this to happen he have no respect for her. Your mom is someone and she need you to let her know what he is doing is wrong and if she wanted to leave you still love her regardless.

  5. not up to you its up to your mum if she wants to leave him.  he cheats on her and she is still with him.  talk to your mum alone and see whats she feels.  she probably knows the man that she met 21years ago and wants to hold on to a piece of that.  but its up to your mum what happends  

  6. He treats her that way because:

    1) he's an a*****e

    2) he can get away with it

    3) your mother is a doormat

    Sad but true.

  7. She should boot his @$$ out the door.  No woman deserves to be disrespected like that.  Not to mention, what is he bringing home if he sleeps around.  Tell your mom she needs to get some self respect and kick your father out and find a man who will treat her the way she should be treated.  Your father is a loser who deserves nothing but a severe case of crabs.  He is sick and I wouldnt even trust him around you for that matter.

  8. i too have been in a simular marriage, sometimes we feel  afraid to step out on our own thinking we cant make it on our own. and that you dont know anything but this one person whom youve spent half your life become afraid of the world and getting to know new people. there could be alot of reasons why. she may feel shes to old to start all over. or it could be for financial reasons. if youre old enough to really spend time outside of the house with her just spend time. with her. you could be the one she may open up to. if you could help feed her spirit. her mind will eventually open up to all things that once made her happy and she will start to remember what she loved about herself, loved about her life and start to commit to what made her happy back then and maybe she will start to branch off to doing the things that made her happy. and when she's had enough. she will tell him to "kiss where the sun dont shine" and start to fight back for her life

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