
Why does my G.P. tell me to do the fecal test instead of having a colonoscopy?

by Guest57051  |  earlier

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My friends tell me that the fecal test cannot detect polyps so why the heck won't he let me have a colonoscopy which does show polyps. I don't have any history or whatever but just would like to have one as I am over 50?




  1. I'm not a doc, but the fecal test (take home version I assume) is preliminary to find any blood, etc. in your stool which could indicate something unusual going on. Once that checks out, you should be cleared for take-off (excuse the pun, but the colonoscopy prep will definitely make you take-off to the toilet) to see the gastro doc.

    The actual colonoscopy is painless, but you will likely eliminate some gas in the recovery room, i.e. f**t...a lot.

  2. He is trying to save the insurance company money. Find another doctor.

  3. Does your insurance cover the procedure?  The only reason that I can figure is that your insurance won't cover the procedure!  If that is the case, get a new HMO!

  4. Does you insurance company require a referral from a G.P. to perform a colonoscopy?  If so, then tell a "little fib" - YOU ARE HAVING RECTAL BLEEDING.  The only way to determine the cause of the rectal bleeding is to have a colonoscopy.  If your insurance does not require a referral, then call a gastroenterology clinic and make an appointment yourself.  Tell them you are having unexplained rectal bleeding.  This is how many doctors work around the insurance system.

  5. A fecal test is sent to the lab and tested for several things. Depending upon what is in it, they can determine what may be wrong. Such as blood can indicate perhaps stomach ulcers or intestinal bleeding. A colonoscopy is done to look for problems within the colon such as polyps or cysts and even cancers. If your doctor is wanting to run a particular test, thenask why he or she is doing it. Don't be shy concerning your own health. If you don't understand something, ask or read up on it. It is 'your' health and you must be the one who takes charge of it.  

  6. Are you uninsured or maybe have a cheap HMO? If so then maybe this is the reason that a colonoscopy was not ordered.  

    A GP will often order a fecal test prior to a colonoscopy anyways. Regardless of the fecal test results, if you are over 50 the next step is to get referred to a gastroenterologist, get the colonoscopy scheduled and then get it done - which amounts to an afternoon off work with a pleasant nap included.  Insist on the colonoscopy.

    good luck

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