
Why does my GEC plug keep needing to be reset?

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I can't make it through a load of laundry without having to reset the plug at least twice to keep the washer going...any ideas?




  1. What's a GEC plug?  If you mean this is a GFCI outlet that your washer is plugged into, and it keeps tripping, then....

    Normally a washing machine is plugged into a standard grounded (non-GFCI) outlet.  Problem is the surges involved with the washer going into spin cycle, etc., sometimes fools a GFCI into tripping.  But, accessible outlets near sinks or in basements need to be GFCI by code for your protection.  

    Therein lies a conundrum.  This is why you will often see a single-outlet receptacle installed solely for a washing machine, this discourages one from using this non-protected outlet for other uses.

    So, what to do depends a bit on your layout there - the goal is to supply the washer with a standard outlet, but not have said outlet used for other purposes.

    If it's not feasible or difficult to rearrange things, you could try replacing the GFCI with a new unit in the hopes that a different one won't be so sensitive.

  2. Could be a short developing, a motor going bad drawing too much current,  too many outlets on that circuit or could be a GFCI going bad?

  3. You don't want to run any motor on a GFCI. Replace it with a standard single outlet just for your washer. Shut your breaker off and replace it just like it came out.

  4. GFI's are safety devices designed to protected against electrical shock. They measure incoming amperage and outgoing amperage and if there is any difference between the two they trip. Older motors will sometimes have some amount of case bleed off resulting in the tripping of the GFI. Generally GFI's are not used for the machines operation, it normally uses just a grounded receptacle, check local codes for your area on the recommended type. God Bless and good luck  

  5. I believe you have answered your own question. Watch when the GFI goes off and look at the cycle the Washer is on. After reseting the GFI If it goes off about the same cycle then the problem is the probably a washer the pump goes on or the spin cycle starts

    If the GFI is an older type, it maybe wearing out especially if it is shutting off frequently. Your best bet is to replace the GFI. Hopefully you or a member of your household has a little bit of Electric savvy. The local hardware store can give you the replacement details.

    If you don't have any Electric savvy contact an Electrician= Service call Approx $75.00 and the GFI at their price will be $20.00

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