
Why does my MacBook auto-rotate my photos?

by Guest32683  |  earlier

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i realized that when i turn my digital camera vertically to take a long picture, my macbook auto rotates it for me. this creates an issue because when uploaded those photos on my space, they are horizonatal (sideways) instead of the long vertical way, yet in the MacBook they are fine. Can anyone PLEASE help me with this?




  1. I'm pretty sure the camera orientation is detected by the camera and then recorded in the EXIF data stored with the image, so your MacBook knows to auto-rotate it for display.  (This is true for many situations, not just on a MacBook.)  You'll just need to remember to rotate those images before uploading.  (You're uploading photos to MySpace??  I doubt it has the options that a better photo hosting site would offer, but maybe it offers a tool to rotate images.  I hate MySpace so, of course, I don't have an account to try it myself.)

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