
Why does my RF Modulator make my cable fuzzy?

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I have hooked up a home theatre system to my TV. My tv only has a coaxial hook up. So I bought a Phillip RF Mod. and hooked up the video so I can watch DVDs from it. The DVD signal is coming through great, but I cant get cable TV audio from it and now my cable tv channels are fuzzy.




  1. Maybe it's the cable that's connected to it. The RF modulator is strictly to connect the component to the TV and is tested so that there is no interference coming from it at all. The cable that you are using may be bad. I would switch out the cable and if worse comes to worse buy a new RF Modulator. They run for 24 bucks at Radio Shack. If you were in PHX i would ask you to bring it by...that's where I work.

  2. Flying hi is on the right track.  usually a bad or loose cable will do that.  sometimes a "free cable" comes in with the dvd or modulator.  if the picture looks milky,  the modulator may be over moding the signal.

    the second possibility is the rf output from the cable box could be on the same channel as the modulator.  some devices have a ch 2 or 3, or a ch3 or 4 switch.  try changing one of these.   if they are both set to the same channel they may be mixing.  it would only take a small phase shift for the cable box and modulator "beat" out the audio.

    do you have multiple antenna inputs on the tv?use the modulator on 1 and the cable box on the other.

    another solution is to put in an A/B switch between the  moulator and the tv.   and plug the cable box into the other input of the switch.  cable box A,  modulator B,  out to tv.

    if you tried fipping the ch witch set it back. with the cables in the above config you wont have the ploblem.

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