
Why does my Winter White hamster l**k my fingers?

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My fingers don't smell like food and I don't sweat in my hands so she can't be l*****g off the salty taste. I don't know why she does it. Someone said it shows affection?




  1. trust me its probably the salt on your finger, its nice though your hammy does that

  2. Yeah, it's gotta be the presence of food smells or salt. It doesn't matter if you don't sweat in your hands, you still get the salt on your hands.

  3. Yay, my guinea pig does it all the time, sometimes your have the smell of food on your hands. Most rodents never have there teeth stop growing so maybe that  your hamster needs some sticks to start chewing. If she has no sticks maybe she uses your fingers instead. My guinea pig does not like sticks so I give him carrots instead.

    Hope this helps! :)

  4. this could mean lots of things! if it is somewat nibbeling on your fingures and it is very young it could be teething. it also could show ofection. and no matter what - even if your not sweating - your body has natural salt on it, that the hamster might find appealing to it's taste. or mabe it is hungry and is trying to tell you it needs more food!! one of my chickens started pecking at my hand when it was hungry- maybe this is the same thing.

  5. My winter white hamster did that to me too. I did not realise why until the day I changed my handwash. I normally wash my hands before handling my hammie and the previous handwash was scented which probably attracted the hammie to the smell, hence the l*****g of fingers. Now that I changed my handwash to a non fragrant type, it has stopped l*****g!!!!

  6. my hamster does that when i have his food on my fingers after i give him food

  7. You must have salt on them. All though you can't smell it it's there.

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