
Why does my Yahoo blog keep deleting my entries?

by  |  earlier

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I posted an entry to my blog with photos and yahoo ask if I want to START a blog. I've had this blog for over a year and a years worth of blogging is gone.




  1. I know its frustrating! but, ur blogs r probably not GONE..just kinda hidden. I hv a friend with this problem..looks like they r not there but if u click on My Blog at the top of ur page, u will see ur blogs r there. They just cant b seen by anyone, which of course, sux! Sorry. Once the transition takes place (whenever that happens) hopefully, all will b well with our pages.

  2. I don't think anyone knows for certain being Yahoo is very 'hands off' with their members. They are supposedly going into a transition where they'll be hooking up with, and according to their Yahoo blog which hasn't been updated since February, your blog should be changed over without incident. Personally I don't believe them.

    They also have stated that they have no intention of fixing any more 'bugs' in regards to Yahoo 360, but focusing their attention on the new Mash service.

    This is also why many Yahoo 360 bloggers have found better blogging sites

  3. The Yahoo 360 is experiencing a lot of bugs in the pages now days.. we have been informed by yahoo that they are changing to a new profile platform in the near future and most of the bugs in our pages will not be fixed.

    You can read this information at this link...

    This is all the information on these kinds of problems available to us at this time.

    You can always go to the beta feedback option at the top of any of your 360 pages and try to send a bug report to the 360 team.

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