
Why does my a/c stay on all the time? it cools fine until set point and then start blowing hot air.

by  |  earlier

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it wont shut off from the off botton on the control, i have to switch off at the main switch in the garage. please help, i paid $850 this month on my bill when my neibours pay $250.




  1. sorry didn't read all the of the info. I wouldn't try to guess what problem you have. best thing I can say is call an AC man.

  2. Most likely it's frozen,

    what you need to do, is set in on fan so it can thaw

    out, mine does that ALL the time.

    Good luck!

  3. sounds like it could be a couple of things,so if you turn the thermostat up past ambient temp. it keeps runnig? what is the fan control set on,,on or auto?if it set on ,on it will keep running,try turning it to auto and set the therm up to 90 and see what it does,it may take a few min. depending on if it has a fan delay.the more costly problems could be a stuck fan relay center,or it could be the thermostat itself. look inside of the a/c closet and look for some small colored wires,yellow,red,green,&white,that is if its a split conv.a/c sys. make sure they're not touching each other (bare wires) or if you dont feel secure in doing this you may need to call a $850.00 a month i think it might be worth the call. wish i could help more

  4. OK,,,freeze up is a condition that comes from too low an amount of freon in the system.  The A frame inside the duct work freezes, and the air flow is greatly reduced, while both the compressor and the blower unit just keep running.  Solution - professional help.

    Lots of air volume, cold air, house cold, but fan keeps running,,,,check the thermostat to make sure the fan is in the AUTO position and not the ON or RUN or MAN position.  This is the dumb thing, that you hate to call a repair man for.  Other than that,,,, it is a thermostat or relay, etc.  Get it repaired to keep from damaging the fan, and to lower your bill.  Professional attention needed.  

    If you have an older window unit,,,,, it may be time to just get a new window unit.  Cost of repair could be cost prohibitive when considering the effective remaining life of the unit.  

  5. mine freezes up also i just shut it off for awhile and turn it back on u might need freon also check your service dates contact the utility company maybe they can help

  6. The blower is on or stuck on at the stat or stuck on at a relay or board.Your description is clasic symptoms of the above causes.

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