
Why does my apple tree produce lots of leaves but no blossom?

by Guest33074  |  earlier

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Why does my apple tree produce lots of leaves but no blossom?




  1. u must live in the suburbs apple trees need polination and if its a big tree it takes about 5 years to blossm if its a dwarf it takes 2

  2. The answers above could all be relevant apart from the first, as a mate is not necessary for blossom formation, only fruit formation.

    Excessive leafy growth could be due to an excess of nitrogen. The element most involved in flower formation is potassium. You could get a simple test kit to see if there's a shortage.

  3. because it requires a mate to polynate  your apple tree

  4. It may also be under stress. Check that it's properly watered and that there are no pests taking advantage of it.

  5. Did you prune all the buds off ?  Depending on the variety you prune it differently.

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