
Why does my baby brother like mother so much ?

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He's about 8 months now.

When he was about 4 months my younger brother [12 years old] and I could pick him up without him crying. And when my mother left the room he was fine.

Now he refuses to leave my mother, won't let me or my brother feed him.

My mother is very abusive, [she was abusive towards me & my little brother], less towards me now because I'm fifteen and taller than her and if I tried I could over power her.

When the baby cries, my mom yells at him asking why the f*ck he's crying, and asking why he won't shut up and stuff.

Usually me or my brother will rock him back to sleep or something.

My baby brother also likes to kick. For ex. if he's happy he'll kick. If he's crying he'll kick, and one day it really aggravated my mom so she took a piece of string and tied his legs together.

I'm not saying at 8 months old he should understand the words "If you don't stop f*cuking crying I'm going to kill you".

But can't he tell who's being nice & who's not ?





  1. hes attached to your mom cuz shes probably spoiling him and also cuz babys are usually attached to their moms and your mom should seriously see a shrink also isnt tying a babys legs together child abuse

  2. Because, that is his mom too. It's only natural for him to be attached to her. Kids go through phases like that ... sometimes preferring their mother, other times wanting their dad or their brothers or sisters. I know it's frustrating, especially when it sounds like you and your brother are the ones taking better care of him. But babies want their mommies and there's nothing you can do about it.

    As he gets older, he will realize who treats him better and who treats him worse. Eventually - he will be much closer with you and your brother than he is with your mom.

    Your mom sounds like she has some major issues. If she ever puts you or your brothers in danger - I hope that you will not hesitate to get help.  

  3. well that seems like child abuse, but anyway

    boys are mostly attached to there mothers

    and girls are mostly attached to there dad.

    after a while he will understand, and the abuse will lead to more crying, witch may lead to more abuse, witch may lead to the authority's.  

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