
Why does my baby do this?

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If my baby has been crying she would sob a lot and then appear like she is not breathing! It isSOo scary, I think she is dying! It is like she is holding her breath or something. I getSOo worried. Does anyone Else's baby do this? Why does she do it? I have to move her just to make her jump so I can see her breath!

She is 18 weeks old. (4 1/2 months)




  1. Awww, don't worry, she won't die. If she's a child who holds her breath when she cries, her lips may turn blue. She may even pass out if she holds it long enough, but when we pass out, our bodies automatically "reboot" or start breathing. I had a little sister that would do it, we would do everything we could to get her to breathe. She never passed out, but boy would her lips turn blue. When she got older, she would still try it until she realized that we would ignore her (she was about 3) So, she stopped doing it. I do have a friend who's son would actually pass out. Her doctor told her the same thing I wrote above. They just had to let him pass out and "come to" again. He never suffered any damage, but he sure would draw a crowd! Try not to worry.

  2. she's probably so tired after the crying that she just falls asleep straight away.. and the contrast between her crying/sobbing and then her falling asleep, makes you think she's not breathing...

    I would have a word with your Dr to put your mind at rest but not to worry, babies are alot tougher than we give them credit for.

    When my son was born I was a nervous wreck thinking he would stop breathing too, so I totally understand how you're feeling.

    But do have a word with yr Dr so that he/she can make sure all is alright.


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