My baby daughter, who is 15 months is killing me. She wants attention constantly and when she doesn't get it she screams and cries up to exhaustion. But when I hold her, she stops. It's so drastic that I don't have time to cook, because she comes constantly to the kitchen and opens cabinet doors and etc. I can't clean the house, because the next minute she is making a mess of everything. I can't lie down to rest because she is screaming like h**l. Basically I am so so tired and depressed and have no time for me at all. I wanted to try meditation but i can't even find 30 minutes of silence at home. We don't have enough money to pay for a couple of hours nurse. My family members are all young and professionals and can't offer to babysit. My husband works full time 6 days a week.
I am just extremely tired and can't manage her. When she wants to do something now, she has to do it. She can't be disciplined. She screams and cries so that she becomes breathless whenever I try to put her in the bed even when I want to take a shower or go to the toilet, I get scared so I give in. I think I am so exhausted that I need some me time, but right now everything seems impossible. We are moving to USA in 2 months, and I am planning of joining University in January where I have scholarship and arranged a nursery for her. But until then I am so trapped and don't know how to survive these 4-5 months.
Can you give me some advice please?