
Why does my baby scream constantly?????

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My baby daughter, who is 15 months is killing me. She wants attention constantly and when she doesn't get it she screams and cries up to exhaustion. But when I hold her, she stops. It's so drastic that I don't have time to cook, because she comes constantly to the kitchen and opens cabinet doors and etc. I can't clean the house, because the next minute she is making a mess of everything. I can't lie down to rest because she is screaming like h**l. Basically I am so so tired and depressed and have no time for me at all. I wanted to try meditation but i can't even find 30 minutes of silence at home. We don't have enough money to pay for a couple of hours nurse. My family members are all young and professionals and can't offer to babysit. My husband works full time 6 days a week.

I am just extremely tired and can't manage her. When she wants to do something now, she has to do it. She can't be disciplined. She screams and cries so that she becomes breathless whenever I try to put her in the bed even when I want to take a shower or go to the toilet, I get scared so I give in. I think I am so exhausted that I need some me time, but right now everything seems impossible. We are moving to USA in 2 months, and I am planning of joining University in January where I have scholarship and arranged a nursery for her. But until then I am so trapped and don't know how to survive these 4-5 months.

Can you give me some advice please?




  1. Every child can be disciplined.  You are going about it in the wrong way.

    Get some books, read up on it, try something different.  It sounds to me like you are constantly giving in, saying no, then yes, letting her get her way and she knows this.  You have created a tiny monster.

    You need to make some changes fast before she becomes a 3 year old terror.

    You can be consequent and consistent without being "mean".

  2. my 15 month old daughter does the same except that her she not only scream but she rolls on the floor too but trust i still discipline her . like i will put her i her oomand close the door for a few minutes . i dont care what somebody might think but if that is what works for me then i am gonna do it . also trust me if we do not discipline them now they would rule the house . my baby has gotten a few taps on the butt cause not only my daughter scream i thik she knoes what she is doing because if she sees me coming towards her she will either stop and run or pretend she is singing or dancing . sometimes it makes me wanna laugh that she thinks she can fool me but i dont let her get away . i bring her next to whatever she is doing and tell her i dnt want to see you do this again or mommy is gonna get mad at you . do what you feel you need to do . you re the parent .

  3. Take some deep deep breaths and remember this too shall pass.

    Get a routine going.  Stimulate her for a couple of hours and then put her in her crib, safely, shut the door, and relax.  Babies need lots of sleep to develop.  Don't feel so guilty.  Babies love rountines.  Wake in the morning, dress, have breakfast, read her a book, go for a walk, put her on the floor with safe toys, then give her a nap.  Let her cry herself to sleep.  

    You should also call your doctor.  Your baby is running your house.  You need to take control of the situation proactivly.

    Good luck.

  4. The best thing I can offer is maybe devote 30 -45 minutes to with some toys with her, read a book, turn the radio on and dance around (you could do this while you are cleaning to keep her occupied), take her outside and chase her around the yard. For cleaning, maybe put some of her toys or something you don't mind her playing with in one cupboard and let her use that one, give her a dust rag or a damp rag and let her clean with you (my son LOVES to do this). Little kids this age love to help out, so you could give her little jobs like 'go put this in the garbage can' Ok....bedtime, have you tried a routine? Something like giving her a bath, putting lotion and pjs on, a snack, a book, rocking with Mommy, and then bed. I really hope you can have a happy little girl soon!! Where are you going to go to school at?

  5. If she is not hungry or in pain or needs a diaper change just let her cry it out. She is old enough now that you can do it. My sisters second daughter was the same way and childcare professionals told her to let her cry it out. She didn't listen and things got worse. Now she has a 4 year old who never listens to a thing, is so out of control and now wets herself for attention (even though my sister is a stay at home mom and give them all her attention). Seriously though, if she learns that all she has to do is scream to get what she wants (IE you to stop cleaning and be with her) then her only way of communicating is going to be by screaming. I will only get worse as time goes on.

  6. if she is crying because she needs something, then dont ignore her.

    if she is crying because she cant get her own way, then let her play the tantrum play out. make it known that she will get attention when she is good, when she isnt throwing a tantrum, you will play with her, read to her, sit with her etc. she wants attention, and bad attention ie you shouting at her is STILL attention.

    she will eventually realise that its much better not to act this way as when she doesnt, mummy plays with her and you are best buddies.

    however she is still young, so i dont agree with or advise letting her cry continuosly as tantrums dont last for an extended period of time.

    take her into the bathroom with you, put a few toys on the floor, talk to her, play peek a boo behind the shower curtain - your talking about being in the shower fir a short time. as for going to the bathroom, do the same or just leave her where she is.

    if abslutely nothing works - just bear in mind that in a few months, you wont be enduring this all on you own, and its something to look forward to.

    isnt there a show or a dvd that just totally captures her attention? if so, put that on, then run roulnd and do what you have to do. then by the time she is done, you'll be done and she wont even have realised you were doing other things. or buy her a little chores toy, a vaccuum, brush, a little kitchen, let her *help* you. then it will seem like you are playing with her while doing what you need to to.

  7. You need to discipline her. Even if she is screaming and crying, if she doesn't need something don't give in. She has to learn that she can't always get whatever she wants. It'll be hard at first because she'll cry and scream but after awhile she'll get the hint.  

  8. She needs your love and attention.  If she is so under foot when you are cooking that she is in danger, you will have to gate her out of the kitchen and let her cry.  But while you are trying to clean, give her a rag and let her dry dust.  She will be happy because she is with you and "helping" you, and you will be able to get done what you need to!  Also, make sure you are setting aside cuddle time with her where you do sit and read and play or what ever!  Then, when she is happy playing, you tell her, mommy needs to go water the plants, I will be right back and we will read this book, and then you do it, and come back as promised.  She may follow you and cry, but you water your plants, reminding her you are going to read a book when you are done, then finish and read her that book.  As far as going to the bathroom and taking a shower, I haven't done it alone in 3 years!  It does not hurt them at all to see you go potty or wash!!  It might even make her want to use the potty!!  And I am sorry, you feel you don't have alone time.  Do you have a friend with small children.  Maybe you can take turns watching each others child for a few hours so the other mom can relax!  That's whats I do when I have no money!  

    Also, if you are at a breaking point, it is ok to put her in her bed for five minutes, let her scream while you try and control yourself, and then go get her, she will be happy to see you, and you won't have harmed your child!

  9. She is screaming because she has learned it gets her what she wants.  You have to be firm.  Make sure she is fed and has a clean diaper, then put her in her room and let her scream and cry until she is exhausted and try to ignore it (eventually she will give up or cry herself to sleep).  It will not hurt her to scream for a while.  When she realizes that screaming isn't going to make you come back in the room, she will stop doing it all the time.  You are the one in charge.  If you let her rule you now, she will continue.  Buy some headphones if you can't stand the noise.  It's OK to go in and check on her every 10-20 minutes or so, but do not pick her up and console her, just peek in to ensure she is still OK, tell her to go to sleep, and leave.  One more thing make sure there is nothing in her room that could hurt her if she gets out of bed and starts exploring (blind cords, small things she could choke on, etc.).

  10. If you're sure there is nothing wrong with her then discipline is needed.  First of all make sure she is getting the appropriate naps for her age.  I believe she still needs a 2 hour nap at lunch time doesn't she?  Overtiredness is one symptom of her behaviour.

    If you have asked her to stay out of the kitchen while you cook and she comes in; then when she comes in simply pick her up and put her back where she should be and say 'No!  Mummy is cooking'  (an educational psychologist told me this is how he dealt with his children!).  PS they are brill kids - all at university and so friendly and nice.

    Keep repeating the same action.  Make sure there is something for her to play with.  If you persevere and do not give up you should see a result in a couple of days which is a blink of an eye in a lifetime and well worth the investment in time.

  11. you may not like this!

    I have a daughter who is 22 now and someone told me then when she was looking for attention non stop was to ingnore her.

    If she has a dry nappy, full tummy, had some play, and she won`t stop place her in her cot,she will probably scream for hours but only once or twice afterwards.

    You will be sitting there going mad pulling your hair out thinking,i can`t do this!

    But remember there is nothing wrong with her! all she wants is attention.

    It will go on for years if not sorted out now, i call customers now and sometimes i can hear a 5 year old junior scream h**l because mummys attention is on the phone to me! and that`s only a few mins!

    I now have a 8 month old daughter with  my partner,we go through this and now she is so happy playing on her own or with us.

    good luck!

  12. its called havin kids hun, do your housework at night spend the days with her, i have a three year olsd and a 16 month old and older children, theres the difference between a clean house and an untidy one, expect kiddies of her age to make a mess, just clean up later when shes in bed,it will get better, imagine what my house looks like with all mine, dont worry what other people think just concentrate on her needs first. dont live by the book.

  13. Disipline!  Learn when to say no and have limitations.  The baby will adjust and lear n to be reasonable!  Babies will cling and be spoiled if you spoil them!

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