
Why does my baby stop kicking when someone comes to feel him?

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I'm 22 weeks pregnant and I've been able to feel my little boy kick very often now, numerous times a day. But when he's kicking and moving and i get his dad to feel him do it, he stops. As if he knows what his dad's hands feels like. I always jokingly say to his dad. HE DOESN'T KICK BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE MALES, THE SAME s*x, TRYING TO TOUCH HIM.




  1. Haha, my sister, brother, mother and his mother all got to feel the baby before my husband. It's now a joke to everyone in the family!

  2. Mine does the exact same thing. I really think my baby can sense someone is touching him. When I was in L&D for contractions at 22 weeks and they put the fetal monitor on me his movements changed. The nurse told me that it's possible he could sense the change in pressure.

    It's really funny though - and frustrating.

  3. I thought this only happened to me, I am 23 weeks and my baby always stops moving when my hubby tries to feel the movements. I think the baby is shy to perform in front of him, it is really funny and almost always when he pulls away the baby will kick again, it has got to be more than a coincidence.  

  4. atleast u know hes not going to be g*y. ;] make women touch ur belly and see if he kicks

  5. Lol, my baby girl is the same. She moves all the time and when I tell my husband to feel she immediately stops. I think they just know its someone else's hand, Idk I tell my husband she is stubborn already just like he is. I'm sure they will eventually be able to feel what we feel soon. Best wishes!

  6. Coincidence, and no the baby would not know, and since your only 22 weeks the baby is only going to do a few movements and  your baby has no cognitive skills at 22 weeks.

  7. lol I know the feeling! Can't give you a reason but when you're further along and he wont stop moving then your husnad will have the chance to feel his movement. When I was pregnant with #2 my daughter fell alseep with her head on my tummy and you could see her head bouncing up and down ( I was about 30 weeks).  

  8. Goodness! I know EXACTLY what you mean! It's like he suddenly becomes shy around EVERYONE else!!! I have no idea why it happens but I know my husband finds it hilarious and annoying at the same time!

  9. I'm 37 weeks with my 3rd and whenever my husband would put his hand on me - up until just recenlty - she would stop moving.  I've had this happen with the other 2 as well.  I've always thought it was the difference in heart rate.  My husband always has a very strong heart rate and maybe she is unfamiliar with the sensation and knows it's someone different.  She doesn't stop kicking when either of my other kids touch me, just him.....

  10. omg I am so with you on this one. When I was pregnant, the baby would be kicking up a storm and when I put my husband's hand on my belly to feel it she would stop. every time! It became a running joke in our house.  

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