This is a really stupid problem. Ive been skating for a few years now and I can do a lot of tricks and ollie fairly higher, higher then my friends at least. BUT recently its come to my attention that my ollie is wrong.
I kick down, move my front foot up but after kicking down, my back foot comes up and back (i joke saying its an ollie south) if that helps you picture whats happening. heres an attempt of a pic of whats happening. __ o (the __ is the board flat as it should be at peak of ollie and the o is my back foot (front foot on front bolts))
This is:
1) robbing me of more height I could be getting
2) Robbing me of certain tricks ( such as 5-0 on a down ledge because my trucks and front foot get on the ledge before my back foot does so I cant get into 5-0 in time)
3) Looks horrible when I ollie stairs and makes me bail sometimes.
Anyone know how to fix this? Its really annoying, looks stupid, and robs me of height and tricks.
I know my problem isnt kicking down hard enoguh cuz i do that. and I push down with my front hard enough too.